Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Listing the Breakpoints
Choose [View -> Code -> Breakpoints] or click the [Breakpoints] toolbar button
to open the [Break] window,
which lists the breakpoints set.
Figure 4.63 Break Window
The following items are displayed:
Displays whether the breakpoint is enabled or disabled.
[Enable]: Valid
[Disable]: Invalid
Displays break types
[BP]: PC break
[BA]: Break access
[BD]: Break data
[BR]: Break register (Register name)
[BS]: Break sequence
[BCY]: Break cycle
[Condition] Displays the conditions that satisfies a break condition. The contents displayed differ from the type
of the break. When the type of the break is BR, the register name is displayed, and when the type of
the break is BCY, the number of cycles is displayed.
BP: PC = Program counter (Corresponding file name, line, and symbol name)
BA: Address = Address (Symbol name)
BD: Address = Address (Symbol name)
BR: Register = Register name
BS: PC = Program counter (Corresponding file name, line, and symbol name)
BCY: Cycle = Number of cycles (displayed in hexadecimal)
Displays the operation of the simulator/debugger when a break condition is satisfied.
[Stop]: Execution halts
[File Input] (file name) [File state]: Memory data is read from file]
[File Output] (file name) [File state]: Memory data is written to file]
[Interrupt] (Interrupt type/priority): Interrupt processing
Setting a Breakpoint
Choose [Add...] from the pop-up menu in the [Breakpoints] window to open the [Set Break] dialog box, which
allows the user to set a break condition.
The [Set Break] dialog box has two pages: [Condition] page for specifying break conditions and [Action] page
for specifying the action when a break condition is satisfied.