Software Activation: An example is shown in which the DTC is used to transfer a block of 128
bytes of data by means of software activation. The transfer source address is H'1000 and the
destination address is H'2000. The vector number is H'60, so the vector address is H'04C0.
1. Set MRA to incrementing source address (SM1 = 1, SM0 = 0), incrementing destination
address (DM1 = 1, DM0 = 0), block transfer mode (MD1 = 1, MD0 = 0), and byte size (Sz =
0). The DTS bit can have any value. Set MRB for one block transfer by one interrupt (CHNE
= 0). Set the transfer source address (H'1000) in SAR, the destination address (H'2000) in
DAR, and 128 (H'8080) in CRA. Set 1 (H'0001) in CRB.
2. Set the start address of the register information at the DTC vector address (H'04C0).
3. Check that the SWDTE bit in DTVECR is 0. Check that there is currently no transfer
activated by software.
4. Write 1 to the SWDTE bit and the vector number (H'60) to DTVECR. The write data is
5. Read DTVECR again and check that it is set to the vector number (H'60). If it is not, this
indicates that the write failed. This is presumably because an interrupt occurred between
steps 3 and 4 and led to a different software activation. To activate this transfer, go back to
step 3.
6. If the write was successful, the DTC is activated and a block of 128 bytes of data is
7. After the transfer, an SWDTEND interrupt occurs. The interrupt handling routine should
clear the SWDTE bit to 0 and perform other wrap-up processing.
An interrupt request is issued to the CPU when the DTC finishes the specified number of data
transfers, or a data transfer for which the DISEL bit was set to 1. In the case of interrupt
activation, the interrupt set as the activation source is generated. These interrupts to the CPU are
subject to CPU mask level and interrupt controller priority level control.
In the case of activation by software, a software-activated data transfer end interrupt
(SWDTEND) is generated.
When the DISEL bit is 1 and one data transfer has ended, or the specified number of transfers
have ended, after data transfer ends, the SWDTE bit is held at 1 and an SWDTEND interrupt is
generated. The interrupt handling routine should clear the SWDTE bit to 0.
When the DTC is activated by software, an SWDTEND interrupt is not generated during a data
transfer wait or during data transfer even if the SWDTE bit is set to 1.