3.6 Reed Solomon Decoder
The serial output from the Viterbi is provided to the Word Sync circuits which searches for the eight
bit frame sync word which occurs every 204 bytes. By detecting the polarity of the sync word, this
module can correct polarity reversals in the data provided by the Viterbi decoder.
Byte serial data is provided to the convolutional deinterleaver, which reorders the received symbols.
This process causes errors, which typically occur in bursts from the Viterbi decoder, to be
distributed randomly over many blocks. This deinterleaved data is then provided to the Reed
Solomon decoder which can reduce an error rate of 2 x10
from the Viterbi decoder to less than 1
in 10
. The Reed Solomon decoder accepts input data in blocks of 204 bytes and produces error
corrected blocks of 188 bytes. Maximum 8 bytes per a RS block can be corrected in RS decoder.
Reedsolomon block includes on-chip BER calculator at the output of Viterbi to monitor signal
quality or estimate the SNR of incoming signal. The calculated value can be read by accessing two
read registers via utility bus such as I2C. It represents the number of errors among 2
data bits.
The next process is descrambling, not to be confused with the descrambling which is part of
conditional access. The purpose of scrambling the transmitted data and performing the inverse in
the receiver is to insure that the spectrum of the transmitted waveform is always evenly distributed
without significant discrete spectral lines. Without the scrambling/descrambling process, a
transmitted sequence of all ones or all zeroes would result in strong spectral components and
could interfere with other signals in the same satellite transponder.
The final process is data regulation. Viterbi Data and Viterbi Clock occur irregularly according to
the code rate. Data clock regulation makes it possible to interface with external common interface
devices. To make external bus interface more flexible, interface mode such as parallel or serial can
be selected by mode selection register.
NORMAL INTERFACE MODE (parallel/serial)
If regulate_data_clk is reset, both parallel interface and serial interface work in normal
operation which is same as HDM8513 regardless of serial_valid bit. Parallel interface or serial
interface can be alternated by modifying mode_serial bit (Refer to Figure 9 and Figure 10)
If regulate_data_clk is set,all interfaces are from internal FIFO designed to regulate irregular
interface signals. Data clock cycle is a little bit faster than the average of cycle of irregular data
clock, so meaningless data can be output in invalid data period. (Refer to Figure 11)
If mode_serial bit is set in the regulate interface mode, regulate interface mode is enabled for
serial interface. Regular serial interface mode has two modes for more flexibility. The mode
selection is controlled by serial_valid bit. If serial_valid is reset, DATA_STB signal alternates
when every valid bit is out (mode1). While serial_valid is set, DATA_STB signal sustains high
when valid bit is out (mode2). (Refer to Figure 12 and Figure 13)
Bit 5 of 14H register
Bit 6 of 14H register
Bit 0 of 18H register