Figure 1. Relative Input Optical Power -
dBm Average.
10-4 THROUGH 10-7 DATA
-4 -3 -2
Receiver Section
The receiver contains an InGaAs
PIN photodiode mounted together
with a custom, silicon bipolar
transimpedance preamplifier IC in
an OSA. This OSA is mated to a
custom, silicon bipolar circuit
providing post amplification and
quantization and optical signal
The custom, silicon bipolar circuit
includes a Signal Detect circuit
which provides a PECL logic high
state output upon detection of a
usable input optical signal level.
This single-ended PECL output is
designed to drive a standard PECL
input through normal 50
Applications Information
Typical BER Performance of
HFBR-5208M Receiver versus Input
Optical Power Level
transceiver can be operated at
Bit-Error-Ratio conditions other
than the required BER = 1 x 10-10
of the 622 MBd ATM Forum
622.08 Mb/s Physical Layer
Standard and the ANSI T1.646a.
The typical trade-off of BER
versus Relative Input Optical
Power is shown in Figure 1. The
Relative Input Optical Power in
dB is referenced to the Input
Optical Power parameter value in
the Receiver Optical
Characteristics table. For better
BER condition than 1 x 10-10,
more input signal is needed (+dB).
For example, to operate the
HFBR-5208M at a BER of 1 x 10-12,
the receiver will require an input
signal approximately 0.6 dB higher
than the -26 dBm level required for
1 x 10-10 operation, i.e. -25.4 dBm.
An informative graph of a typical,
short fiber transceiver link per-
formance can be seen in Figure 2.
This figure is useful for designing
short reach links with time-based
jitter requirements. This figure
indicates Relative Input Optical
Power versus Sampling Time
Position within the receiver
output data eye-opening. The
given curves are at a constant bit-
error-ratio (BER) of 10-10 for four
different signaling rates, 155 MBd,
311 MBd, 622 MBd and 650 MBd.
These curves, called “tub”
diagrams for their shape, show
the amount of data eye-opening
time-width for various receiver
input optical power levels. A
wider data eye-opening provides
more time for the clock recovery
circuit to operate within without
creating errors. The deeper the
tub is indicates less input optical
power is needed to operate the
receiver at the same BER
condition. Generally, the wider
and deeper the tub is the better.
The Relative Input Optical Power
amount (dB) is referenced to the
absolute level (dBm avg.) given
in the Receiver Optical
Characteristics table. The 0 ns
sampling time position for this
Figure 2 refers to the center of the
Baud interval for the particular
signaling rate. The Baud interval is
the reciprocal of the signaling rate
in MBd. For example, at 622 MBd
the Baud interval is 1.61 ns, at
155 MBd the Baud interval is
6.45 ns. Test conditions for this
tub diagram are listed in Figure 2.
The HFBR/HFCT-5208M receiver
input optical power requirements
vary slightly over the signaling
rate range of 20 MBd to 700 MBd
for a constant bit-error-ratio
(BER) of 10-10 condition. Figure 3
illustrates the typical receiver
relative input optical power varies
by <0.7 dB over this full range.
This small sensitivity variation
allows the optical budget to
remain nearly constant for designs
that make use of the broad
signaling rate range of the
HFBR/HFCT-5208M. The curve
has been normalized to the input
optical power level (dBm avg.) of
the receiver for 622 MBd at center
of the Baud interval with a BER of
10-10. The data patterns that can
be used at these signaling rates
should be, on average, balanced
duty factor of 50%. Momentary
excursions of less or more data
duty factor than 50% can occur,
but the overall data pattern must
remain balanced. Unbalanced data
duty factor will cause excessive
pulse-width distortion, or worse,
bit errors. The test conditions are
listed in Figure 3.
Recommended Circuit Schematic
When designing the HFBR/HFCT-
5208M circuit interface, there are
a few fundamental guidelines to
follow. For example, in the
Recommended Circuit Schematic,
Figure 4, the differential data
lines should be treated as 50 ohm
Microstrip or stripline
transmission lines. This will help
to minimize the parasitic
inductance and capacitance
effects. Proper termination of the
differential data signal will
prevent reflections and ringing
which would compromise the
signal fidelity and generate
unwanted electrical noise. Locate
termination at the received signal
end of the transmission line. The
length of these lines should be
kept short and of equal length to
prevent pulse-width distortion
from occurring. For the high-speed
signal lines, differential signals
should be used, not single-ended
signals. These differential signals
need to be loaded symmetrically
to prevent unbalanced currents
from flowing which will cause
distortion in the signal.