Read Cycle
The RAM is asynchronous in operation, allowing the read
cycle to be controlled only by chip select (NCS) (refer to
Read Cycle timing diagram). To perform a valid read opera-
tion, both chip select and output enable (NOE) must be low
and chip enable and write enable (NWE) must be high. The
output drivers can be controlled independently by the NOE
To control a read cycle with NCS, all addresses and CE
must be valid prior to or coincident with the enabling NCS
edge transition delayed. Read control with NCS requires
that NCS returns to a high state for at least 5ns whenever
there is an address change. This 5ns pulse to high provides
the part with a defined pre-charge pulse duration to ensure
that the new address is latched. The device must be
controlled in this fashion to meet the timing specifications
herein. The data output will not become valid until TSLQV
time following return of NCS to a low state. Data outputs will
enter a high impedence state TSHQZ time following a
disabling NCS edge transition.
Write Cycle
The write operation is synchronous with respect to the
address bits, and control is governed by only chip select
(NCS) (refer to Write Cycle timing diagrams). To perform a
write operation, both NWE and NCS must be low, and CE
must be high. This part must be Write controlled using the
NCS pin; it requires that NCS returns to a high state for at
least 5ns whenever there is an address change. This 5ns
pulse to high provides the part with a defined pre-charge
pulse duration to ensure that the new address is latched.
The part must be controlled in this fashion to meet the
timing specifications defined. Both CE and NCS fully dis-
able the RAM decode logic and input buffers for power
To write data into the RAM, NWE and NCS must be held low
and CE must be held high for at least TWLWH/TSLSH/
TEHEL time. Any amount of edge skew between the
signals can be tolerated, and any one of the control signals
can initiate or terminate the write operation. For consecu-
tive write operations, write pulses must be separated by the
minimum specified TWHWL/TSHSL/TELEH time. Address
inputs must be valid at least TAVWL/TAVSL/TAVEH time
before the enabling NWE/NCS/CE edge transition, and
must remain valid during the entire write time. A valid data
overlap of write pulse width time of TDVWH/TDVSH/TDVEL,
and an address valid to end of write time of TAVWH/
TAVSH/TAVEL also must be provided for during the write
operation. Hold times for address inputs and data inputs
with respect to the disabling NWE/NCS/CE edge transition
must be a minimum of TWHAX/TSHAX/TELAX time and
TWHDX/TSHDX/TELDX time, respectively. The minimum
write cycle time is TAVAV.