HPC46164 Operating Modes
FIGURE 17. 16-Bit External Memory
HPC46104 Operating Modes
Because the HPC46104 has no on-chip ROM, it has only
one mode of operation, the Expanded ROMless Mode. The
EXM pin must be pulled high (logic ‘‘1’’) on power up, the
EA bit in the PSW register should be set to a ‘‘1’’. The
HPC46104 is a ROMless device and is intended for use with
external memory. The external memory may be any combi-
nation of ROM and RAM. Up to 64k bytes of external mem-
ory may be accessed. It is necessary to vector on reset to
an address between C000 and FFFF, therefore the user
should have external memory at these addresses. The EA
bit in the PSW register must immediately be set to ‘‘1’’ at the
beginning of the user’s program to disable illegal address
detection in the WATCHDOG logic.
TABLE II. HPC46104 Operating Modes
Expanded ROMless
0300:FFFF off-chip
The on-chip RAM and Registers (0000:02FF) of the HPC46104 may
be accessed at all times.
Wait States
The internal ROM can be accessed at the maximum operat-
ing frequency with one wait state. With 0 wait states, internal
ROM accesses are limited to
max. The HPC46164
provides four software selectable Wait States that allow ac-
cess to slower memories. The Wait States are selected by
the state of two bits in the PSW register. Additionally, the
RDY input may be used to extend the instruction cycle, al-
lowing the user to interface with slow memories and periph-
Power Save Modes
Two power saving modes are available on the HPC46164:
HALT and IDLE. In the HALT mode, all processor activities
are stopped. In the IDLE mode, the on-board oscillator and
timer T0 are active but all other processor activities are
stopped. In either mode, all on-board RAM, registers and
I/O are unaffected.
The HPC46164 is placed in the HALT mode under software
control by setting bits in the PSW. All processor activities,
including the clock and timers, are stopped. In the HALT
mode, power requirements for the HPC46164 are minimal
and the applied voltage (V
) may be decreased without
altering the state of the machine. There are two ways of
exiting the HALT mode: via the RESET or the NMI. The
RESET input reinitializes the processor. Use of the NMI in-
put will generate a vectored interrupt and resume operation
from that point with no initialization. The HALT mode can be
enabled or disabled by means of a control register HALT
enable. To prevent accidental use of the HALT mode the
HALT enable register can be modified only once.
The HPC46164 is placed in the IDLE mode through the
PSW. In this mode, all processor activity, except the on-
board oscillator and Timer T0, is stopped. As with the HALT
mode, the processor is returned to full operation by the
RESET or NMI inputs, but without waiting for oscillator stabi-
lization. A timer T0 overflow will also cause the HPC46164
to resume normal operation.