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Printed in U.S.A. 10/95
Ordering Information
HP E2411C
Preprocessor interface for the Intel80486 mcroprocessor
HP E5344A
208-pin CQFP/PQFP probe adapter transitions from Intel80486 in CQFP/PQFP
package to HP E2411C PGA connector
HP 16554A
500K-Sample, 70-MHz state/250-MHz timing logic analyzer module
(Requires an HP 16500B mainframe)
HP 16555A
1M-Sample, 110-MHz state/500-MHz timing logic analyzer module
(Requires an HP 16500B mainframe)
HP 16556A
1 M-Sample, 100-MHz state/400-MHz timing logic analyzer module
(Requires an HP 16500B mainframe)
10390A, Option 006
SystemPerformance Analysis software for HP 16554A, HP 16555A, and HP 16556A
HP 16550A
100-MHz state/500-MHz timing logic analyzer module
10390A, Option 004
System Performance Analysis software for HP 16550A
HP 16500B
Logic Analysis System mainframe
HP 16505A
Prototype Analysis System
(Requires an HP 16500B mainframe)
HP 16500U
Upgrades an HP 16500A mainframe to an HP 16500B mainframe
* Intel80486, Intel80487 and Pentium are U.S. trademarks of Intel Corporation