Rev. 1.20
May 26, 2004
The PFD (programmable frequency divider) is implemented in the phone controller. It is composed of two portions: a
prescaler and a general counter.
The prescaler is controlled by the register bits, PRES0 and PRES1. The general counter is programmed by an 8-bit
register PFDD.
The source for this generator can be selected from 3.58MHz/4 or 32768Hz. To enable the PFD output, write 1 to the
PFDEN bit.
The PFDD is inhibited to write while the PFD is disabled. To modify the PFDD contents, the PFD must be enabled.
When the generator is disabled, the PFDD is cleared by hardware.
PFD output frequency=Prescaler output
, where N=the value of the PFDD
Mask Option Table
The following shows many kinds of mask options in the telephone controller. All these options should be defined in or-
der to ensure proper system functions.
Mask Option
WDT source selection
Select the WDT OSC to be the WDT source.
Select the instruction clock to be the WDT source.
Select the external 32768Hz to be the WDT source.
Disable WDT function.
This option defines how to clear the WDT by instruction.
One clear instruction
The CLR WDT can clear the WDT.
Two clear instructions
Only when both of the CLR WDT1 and CLR WDT2 have been executed,
then WDT can be cleared.
Wake-up PA
Port A wake-up selection.
Define the activity of wake-up function.
All port A have the capability to wake-up the chip from a HALT.
This wake-up function is selected per bit.
Pull-high PA
Pull-high PB
Pull-high PD
Pull-high PE
Pull-high PF
Pull-high PG
Pull-high option.
This option determines whether the pull-high resistance is viable or not.
Port A pull-high option is selected per bit.
Port B pull-high option is selected per bit.
Port D pull-high option is selected per nibble.
Port E pull-high option is selected per nibble.
Port F pull-high option is selected per nibble.
Port G pull-high option is selected per nibble.
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