Rev. 1.20
May 26, 2004
The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Holtek as-
sumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used
solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable
without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life
due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices
or systems. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information,
please visit our web site at http://www.holtek.com.tw.
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Headquarters)
No.3, Creation Rd. II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Tel: 886-3-563-1999
Fax: 886-3-563-1189
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Taipei Sales Office)
4F-2, No. 3-2, YuanQu St., Nankang Software Park, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-2655-7070
Fax: 886-2-2655-7373
Fax: 886-2-2655-7383 (International sales hotline)
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Shanghai Sales Office)
7th Floor, Building 2, No.889, Yi Shan Rd., Shanghai, China 200233
Tel: 021-6485-5560
Fax: 021-6485-0313
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Shenzhen Sales Office)
43F, SEG Plaza, Shen Nan Zhong Road, Shenzhen, China 518031
Tel: 0755-8346-5589
Fax: 0755-8346-5590
ISDN: 0755-8346-5591
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (Beijing Sales Office)
Suite 1721, Jinyu Tower, A129 West Xuan Wu Men Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100031
Tel: 010-6641-0030, 6641-7751, 6641-7752
Fax: 010-6641-0125
Holmate Semiconductor, Inc. (North America Sales Office)
46712 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: 510-252-9880
Fax: 510-252-9885