Advanced Information
Publication Release Date: November 30, 2001
- 41
Revision A1
In the Digital Mode, it is important to understand that each group of digital operations must be
preceded by the Digital Mode command (0XC0) and followed by the Exit Digital Mode command
(0X40). No delay is required after these commands. Note that after any of these operations is
completed, the device is powered down. Therefore, it will be required to issue the normal Power-Up
command (0X80h) with a power-up delay (Tpud) before any analog operations can be performed
following digital commands.
The Digital Write function allows the user to select a portion of the array to be used as digital memory.
The partition between analog and digital memory is left up to the user. A page can only be either Digital
or Analog, but not both. The minimum addressable block of memory in the digital mode is 1 block, or
64 bits, when reading or writing. The address sent to the device is the 11-bit row (or page) address
with the 5-bit scan (or block) address. However, one must send a Digital Erase before attempting to
change digital data on a page. This means that even when changing only one of the 32 blocks, all 32
will need to be rewritten to the page.
After the address is entered, the data is sent in one-byte packets followed by an I
C acknowledge
generated by the chip. Data for each block is sent MSB first. The data transfer is ended when the
master generates an I
C STOP condition. If only a partial block of data is sent before the STOP
condition, zero is “written” in the remaining bytes; that is, they are left at the erase level. An erased
page (row) will be read as all zeros. The device can buffer up to two blocks of data.
If the device is unable to accept more data due to the internal write process, the SCL line will be held
LOW indicating, to the master, to halt data transfer. If the device encounters an overflow condition, it
will respond by generating an interrupt condition and an I
C Not Acknowledge signal after the last valid
byte of data. Once data transfer is terminated, the device needs up to two cycles (64 us) to complete
its internal write cycle before another command is sent. If an active command is sent before the
internal cycle is finished, the I5216 will hold SCL LOW until the current command is finished.
The Digital Read command utilizes the combined I
C command format. That is, a command is sent to
the chip using the write data direction. Then the data direction is reversed by sending a repeated start
condition and the slave address with R/W set to one. After this, the slave device (I5216) begins to send
data to the master until the master generates a Not Acknowledge. If the part encounters an overflow
condition, the INT pin is pulled LOW. No other communication with the master is possible due to the
master generating ACK signals.
As with Digital Write, Digital Read can be done a “block” at a time. Thus, only 64 bits need to be read
in each Digital Read command sequence.
The Digital Erase command can only erase an entire page at a time. This means that the D0 or D1
command only needs to include the 11-bit page address; the 5-bit for block address are left at 00000.
Once a page has been erased, each block may be written separately, 64 bits at a time. But, if a block
has been previously written, then the entire page of 2048 bits must be erased in order to re-write (or
change) a block.