Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.
Rev. A
IS24C16-2, IS24C16-3
IS24C08-2, IS24C08-3
The IS24CXX family features a serial communication and
supports a bi-directional 2-wire bus transmission protocol.
The two-wire bus is defined as a Serial Data line(SDA),
and a Serial Clock Line (SCL). The protocol defines any
device that sends data onto the SDA bus as a transmitter,
and the receiving devices as a receiver. The bus is
controlled by MASTER device which generates the SCL,
controls the bus access and generates the STOP and
START conditions. The IS24CXX is the SLAVE device on
the bus.
The Bus Protocol:
-- Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not
-- During a data transfer, the data line must remain stable
whenever the clock line is high. Any changes in the data
line while the clock line is high will be interpreted as a
START or STOP condition.
The state of the data line represents valid data when after
a START condition, the data line is stable for the duration
of the HIGH period of the clock signal. The data on the line
must be changed during the LOW period of the clock
signal. There is one clock pulse per bit of data. Each data
transfer is initiated with a START condition and terminated
with a STOP condition.
START Condition
The START condition precedes all commands to the
devices and is defined as a HIGH to LOW transition of SDA
when SCL is HIGH. The IS24CXX monitors the SDA and
SCL lines and will not respond until the START condition
is met.
STOP Condition
The STOP condition is defined as a LOW to HIGH transition
of SDA when SCL is HIGH. All operations must end with
a STOP condition.
After a successful data transfer, each receiving device is
required to generate an acknowledge. The Acknowledging
device pulls down the SDA line.
The MASTER begins a transmission by sending a START
condition. The MASTER then sends the address of the
particular slave devices it is requesting. The SLAVE (Fig.
5) address is 8 bits.
The four most significant bits of the address are fixed as
1010 for the IS24CXX.
For the IS24C16-2 and IS24C16-3, the bits(B2, B1 and B0)
are used for memory page addressing (the IS24C16-2 and
IS24C16-3 are organized as eight blocks of 256 bits).
For the IS24C08-2 and IS24C08-3 out of the next three
bits, B1 and B0 are for memory page addressing (the
IS24C08-2 and IS24C08-3 are organized as four blocks of
256 bits) and the A2 bit is used as device address bit and
must compare to its hard-wired input pin (A2). Up to two
IS24C08 may be individually addressed by the system.
The page addressing bits for IS24CXX should be
considered the most significant bits of the data word
address which follows.
The last bit of the slave address specifies whether a Read
or Write operation is to be performed. When this bit is set
to 1, a Read operation is selected, and when set to 0, a
Write operation is selected.
After the MASTER sends a START condition and the
SLAVE address byte, the IS24CXX monitors the bus and
responds with an Acknowledge (on the SDA line) when its
address matches the transmitted slave address. The
IS24CXX pulls down the SDA line during the ninth clock
cycle, signaling that it received the eight bits of data. The
IS24CXX then performs a Read or Write operation
depending on the state of the R/
Byte Write
In the Byte Write mode, the Master device sends the
START condition and the slave address information(with
the R/
set to Zero) to the Slave device. After the Slave
generates an acknowledge, the Master sends the byte
address that is to be written into the address pointer of the
IS24CXX. After receiving another acknowledge from the
Slave, the Master device transmits the data byte to be
written into the address memory location. The IS24CXX
acknowledges once more and the Master generates the
STOP condition, at which time the device begins its
internal programming cycle. While this internal cycle is in
progress, the device will not respond to any request from
the Master device.
Page Write
The IS24CXX is capable of 16-byte page-WRITE operation.
A page-WRITE is initiated in the same manner as a byte
write, but instead of terminating the internal write cycle
after the first data word is transferred, the master device
can transmit up to 15 more bytes. After the receipt of each
data word, the IS24CXX responds immediately with an
ACKnowledge on SDA line, and the four lower order data
word address bits are internally incremented by one, while
the four higher order bits of the data word address remain
constant. If the master device should transmit more than
16 words, prior to issuing the STOP condition, the address