October 30, 2007
All devices in this family feature low power shutdown,
thermal overload protection and click/pop suppression. The
click and pop circuitry prohibits switching between input
channels until the audio input signals are at there lowest
point which eliminates audible transients in the speakers
when changing the audio input sources. The click/pop
circuitry also keeps speaker transients to an inaudibile level
when entering and leaving shutdown.
“Typical Application Circuits and Block Diagrams” for each
Truth tables for each device are provided on
page 3.DC Bias Voltage
The ISL54003, ISL54005, and ISL54006 have internal DC
bias circuitry, which DC offsets the incoming audio signal at
VDD/2. When using a 5V supply, the DC offset will be 2.5V.
When using a 3.6V supply, the DC offset will be 1.8V.
Since the signal gets biased internally at VDD/2 the audio
signals need to be AC coupled to the inputs of the device.
The value of the AC coupling capacitor depends on the low
frequency range required for the application. A capacitor of
0.22F will pass a signal as low as 7.2Hz. The formula
required to calculated the capacitor value is shown in
The 100k
Ω is the impedance looking into the input of the
ISL54003, ISL54004, ISL54006 devices.
BTL Speaker Amplifier
The ISL54003, ISL54005, and ISL54006 contain one
bridge-tied load (BTL) amplifier designed to drive an 8
speaker load differentially. The output to the BTL amplifier
are SPK+ and SPK-. The speaker load gets connected
across these terminals.
A single BTL driver consists of an inverting and non-inverting
power op amps. The AC signal out of each op amp are equal
in magnitude but 180° out-of-phase, so the AC signal at
SPK+ and SPK- have the same amplitude but are 180°
Driving the load differentially using a BTL configuration
doubles the output voltage across the speaker load and
quadruples the power to the load. In effect you get a gain of
two due to this configuration at the load as compared to
driving the load with a single-ended amplifier with its load
connected between a single amplifier’s output and ground.
The outputs of the BTL are biased at VDD/2. When the load
gets connected across the + and - terminal of the BTL the
mid supply DC bias voltage at each output gets cancelled
out eliminating the need for large bulky output coupling
Headphone (Single-Ended) Amplifiers
The ISL54003, ISL54005, and ISL54006 contains two
single-ended (SE) headphone amplifiers for driving the left
and right channels of a 32
Ω or 16Ω headphone speaker.
One SE amplifier drives the right speaker of the headphone
and other SE amplifier drives the left speaker of the
headphone. The speaker load gets connected between the
output of the amplifier and ground.
The audio signal at the output of each SE driver is biased at
VDD/2 and unlike the BTL driver that cancels this offset due
to its differential connection, a capacitor is required at the
output of each SE drivers to remove this DC voltage from the
headphone load.
This coupling capacitor along with the resistance of the
speaker load creates a high pass filter that sets the
amplifier’s lower bandpass frequency limit. The value of this
AC coupling capacitor depends on the low frequency range
required by the application. The formula required to calculate
the capacitor value is shown in Equation
2:For an application driving a 32
Ω headphone with a lower
frequency requirement of 150Hz, the required capacitor
value would be determined by using Equation
3:Use the closest standard value.
Headphone Sense Function
With a logic “1” at the HP control pin while the HO control pin
is low will activate the headphone drivers and disable the
BTL driver.
The “Typical Application Circuits and Block Diagrams” on
headphone control function using a common headphone
The HP pin gets connected to the mechanical wiper blade of
the headphone jack. Two external resistors are required for
proper operation. A 100k
Ω pull-up resistor from the HP pin to
VDD and a 10kΩ pull-down resistor from the jack’s audio
signal pin to ground of the jack signal pin to which the wiper
When no headphone plug is inserted into the jack, the
voltage at the HP pin gets set at a low voltage level due to
the 10k
Ω resistor and 100kΩ resistor divider network
connection to VDD.
When a headphone is inserted into the jack, the 10k
resistor gets disconnected from the HP control pin and the
HP pin gets pulled up to VDD. Since the HP pin is now high,
the headphone drivers are activated.
(EQ. 1)
1 6.28
(EQ. 2)
1 6.28
(EQ. 3)
1 6.28
ISL54003, ISL54005, ISL54006