Serial I/O
: Three channels. These circuits can support both 2-wire and 3-wire 8-bit communication
techniques, and can be switched between MSB first and LSB first operation.
One of six internally generated serial transfer clock rates can be selected: 12.5kHz,
37.5kHz, 187.5kHz, 281.25kHz, 375kHz, and 450kHz
External interrupts
: Seven interrupt inputs (pins INT0 through INT5, and the HOLD pin)
These interrupts can be set to switch between rising and falling edges, although the
HOLD pin only supports falling edge detection.
Internal interrupts
: Seven interrupts ; four internal timer interrupts, and three serial I/O interrupts.
Functions (Continued)
Interrupt nesting levels
: 16 levels
Interrupts are prioritized in hardware as follows :
HOLD pin>INT0 pin>INT1 pin>INT2 pin>INT3 pin>INT4 pin>INT5 pin>
S-I/O0>S-I/O1>S-I/O2>Internal TMR0>Internal TMR1>Internal TMR2>
Internal TMR3
A/D Converter
: 8-bit resolution and 8 inputs
General-purpose ports
: Input ports : 13
Output ports : 4
I/O ports : 62 (These pins can be switched between input and output in 1-bit units.)
PLL block
: Includes a sub-charge pump for high-speed locking.
Supports dead zone control.
Built-in unlock detection circuit
Twelve reference frequencies : 1kHz, 3kHz, 3.125kHz, 5kHz, 6.25kHz, 9kHz,
10kHz, 12.5kHz, 25kHz, 30kHz, 50kHz, and 100kHz
Universal counter
: This 20-bit counter can be used for either frequency or period measurement and
supports four measurement (calculation) periods : 1ms, 4ms, 8ms, and 32ms
: Two fixed timers and two programmable timers (8-bit counters)
: Supports four periods : 10
s, 100s, 1ms, and 5ms
: Supports four periods : 10
s, 100s, 1ms, and 10ms
TMR2 and TMR3 : Programmable 8-bit counters.
Input clocks with 10
s, 100s, and 1ms
One 125-ms timer flip-flop provided
Beep circuit
: Provides 12 fixed beep tones :
500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 2.08kHz, 2.2kHz, 2.5kHz, 3kHz, 3.125kHz, 3.33kHz,
3.75kHz, 4.17kHz, and 7.03kHz
Programmable 8-bit beep tone generator.
Reference clocks with frequencies of 50kHz, 15kHz, and 5kHz.
: Built-in voltage detection reset circuit
External reset pin
Cycle time
: 1.33
s/833ns (All instructions are one word), X’tal : 4.5MHz/7.2MHz
Supports software switching (Initial cycle time is 1.33
Halt mode
: The microcontroller operating clock is stopped in Halt mode.
There are four conditions that can clear Halt mode : Interrupt requests,
timer flip-flop overflows, port PA inputs, and HOLD pin inputs.
Operating supply voltage : 4.5 to 5.5V (Microcontroller block only : 3.5 to 5.5V)
: QIP100E
OTP version
: LC72F3781
Development tools
: Emulator
: RE128V
Evaluation chip
: LC72EV3780
Evaluation board
: EB-72EV3780