Safety Information
The LED module itself and all its components must not be mechanically stressed.
Assembly must not damage or destroy conducting paths on the circuit board.
Parallel connection is highly recommended as safe electrical operation mode.
Serial connection is not recommended. Unbalanced voltage drop can cause hazardous overload and damage the LED module.
Correct electrical polarity needs to be observed. Wrong polarity will result in no light emission.
Please ensure that the power supply is of adequate power to operate the total load. The maximum current of 3 A for the module or
its subunits is not be exeeded.
When mounting on metallic or otherwise conductive surfaces, there needs to be a electrical isolation at soldering points between
module and the mounting surface.
The maximum length of LINEARlight Flex LM10A is 4200 mm (3500 mm for "W2" and "W3") with power feed at one end. The
complete module 8400 mm can be operated with a two pole power feed in the middle of the module or from both ends, when only
one power supply is used ("W2" / "W3" are limited to 7000 mm).
Pay attention to standard ESD precautions when installing the module.
The module, as manufactured, has no conformal coating and therefore offers no inherent protection against corrosion. The ability
to customize the length of the module by cutting at specifically marked points is a key feature of the product and hence the reason
for no factory installed conformal coating. For these reasons, it is recommended that the user complete all module modifications
first (cutting, wiring) and then apply a conformal coating in the final stages of installation.
Damage by corrosion will not be honored as a materials defect claim. It is the user′s responsibility to provide suitable protection
against corrosive agents such as moisture and condensation and other harmful elements.
For applications involving exposure to humidity and dust the module must be protected by a fixture or housing with a suitable
protection class. The module can be protected against condensation water by treatment with an appropriate circuit board grade
conformal coating. The conformal coating should have the following features:
- Optical transparency
- UV-resistance
- thermal expansion matching the thermal expansion of the module 15-30*10^-6 cm/cm/K
- low permeability of steam for all climatic conditions
- resistance against corrosive environment
The lacquer APL of the company Electrolube http://www.electrolube.com met the conditions for the LINEARlight Flex in our tests.
Installation of LED modules (with power supplies) needs to be made with regard to all applicable electrical and safety standards.
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to perform installations.
The LED Module incorporates no protection against short circuits, overload or overheating. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to
operate the modules with a electronically stabilised power supply offering protection against the above mentioned safety risks.
For dimming applications attention should be paid to specific references in "OPTOTRONIC Technical Guide".
OSRAM OPTOTRONIC power supplies are specifically designed with protection features for safe operation.
When using power supplies other than OPTOTRONIC the following basic safety features are required, in addition to any other
application specific concerns and local safety codes:
Short circuit protection
Overload protection
Overheat protection
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LM10A - 20.07.2007