Operation Descriptions
output voltage will not be affected unless the UVLO method
is used to release the latch. If the linear channel causes a
UVP event, then the IC enters Shut Down Latch State If
later the fault at the linear channel is removed, the linear
channel will recover, but the IC will still be in the latch state.
Over-voltage Protection
This protection feature is implemented in the two switching
channels and not in the linear channel. Refer to Table 1 As
long as there is at least one switching channel enabled, and
the LM2633 is not in fault state, an over voltage event at
either of the two switching channels’ output will cause sys-
tem to enter the Shut Down Latch State
However, if the over voltage event happens only on Channel
1 after a dynamic VID change signal is issued and before the
change completes, the system will not enter the Shut Down
Latch State See the Dynamic VID Change section.
Under-voltage Protection
The UVP feature is implemented in all three channels.
If the UV_DELAY pin is pulled to ground, then the under-
voltage protection feature is disabled. Otherwise, if a capaci-
tor is connected between the UV_DELAY pin and ground,
the UVP is enabled.Assume UVP is enabled and the system
is not in fault state. If a switching channel is enabled, and its
soft start time out signal (sstox, see soft start section) is
asserted, then an under voltage event at the output of that
channel will cause the system to enter the Shut Down Latch
However, if the under voltage event happens only on Chan-
nel 1 after a dynamic VID change signal is issued and before
the change completes, the system will not enter the Shut
Down Latch State See the Dynamic VID Change section.
For the linear channel, if there is at least one switching
channel on, and at least one soft start time out signal has
been issued, and if the system is not in Fault State then an
under voltage event at the linear regulator output will cause
the system to enter Shut Down Latch State
When the LM2633 reacts on an under voltage event, a 5 μA
current will be charging the capacitor connected to the
UV_DELAY pin and when its voltage exceeds 2.1V, the
system immediately enters Shut Down Latch State
For details, see the block diagram and Shut Down Latch
Truth Table
Power Good Function
The power good function is a general indication of the health
of the regulators. There is an internal MOSFET tied from the
PGOOD pin to ground. Power good signal is asserted by
turning off that MOSFET.
The internal power good MOSFET will not be turned on
unless at least one of the following occurs:
There is an output over voltage event in at least one of
the switching channels.
The output voltage of any of the three channels is below
the power good lower limit, regardless of ON/SSx pin
voltage level.
Whenever Channel 1 is going through a dynamic VID
System is in the shut down mode.
System is in the fault state.
System is in the shut down latch state.
Power good upper limit is the same as that of the OVP
In cases 2 and 3 above, if the corresponding output volt-
age(s) recovers, PGOOD will be asserted again. But there is
a built-in hysteresis. See V
in the Electrical Character-
istics Table The above information is also available in Power
Good Truth Table
When the internal power good MOSFET is turned on, the
PGOOD pin will be pulled to ground. When it is turned off,
the PGOOD pin floats (open-drain). The on resistance of the
power good MOSFET is about 15k
Dynamic VID Change
During normal operation, if Channel 1 sees a change in the
VID pattern, a NEW VID signal will be issued. Upon seeing
the NEW VID signal, power good signal will be deasserted,
UVP and OVP of Channel 1 will be disabled temporarily, and
Channel 1 goes through a special step to quickly ramp the
output voltage to the new value.
If the new output voltage is higher than the old voltage,
Channel 1 will rely on the control loop to change the output
voltage. If the new value is lower than the old one, the top
FET is going to remain off while the bottom FET is going to
remain on. This will cause the output capacitor to discharge
through the inductor. The 0-CROSSING / NEGATIVE CUR-
RENT LIMIT comparator will detect for negative over current,
even if the LM2633 is in pulse-skip mode. When the negative
current limit is reached, bottom FET will be turned off, forcing
the inductor current to flow through the body diode of the top
FET to the input supply. When next clock cycle comes, the
bottom FET will be turned on again, and it will not be turned
off until the negative current limit is reached again. During
this process, if the output voltage goes below the new volt-
age, the NEW VID signal will be deasserted. At this time,
power good function will be released, OVP and UVP will be
enabled and the bottom FET will be turned off. The normal
control loop takes over after the output voltage droops below
the new DAC voltage.
Internal 5V Supply
The internal 5V supply is generated from the VIN voltage
through an internal linear regulator. This 5V supply is mainly
for internal circuitry use, but can also be used externally
(through the VLIN5 pin) for convenience. A typical use of this
5V is supplying the bootstrap circuitry for top drivers and
supplying the voltage needed by the bottom drivers (through
the VDDx pins). But since this 5V is generated by a linear
regulator, it may hurt the light load efficiency, especially
when VIN voltage is high. So if there is a separate 5V
available that is generated by a switching power supply, it
may be a good idea to use that 5V to power the bootstrap
circuitry and the VDDx pins for better efficiency and less
thermal stress on the LM2633.
In shut down mode, the VLIN5 pin will go to 5.5V. So it is
recommended not to use this voltage for purposes other
than the bootstrap circuitry and VDDx pins.
When the power stage input voltage can be guaranteed to
be within 4.5V to 5.5V, the VLIN5 pin can be tied to the VIN
pin directly. In this mode, all 5V currents are directly coming
from power stage input rail VIN and power loss due to the
internal linear regulation is no longer an issue.
Design Procedures
CPU Core / GTL Bus Power Supply