Application Hints
Input Capacitance:
The input capacitance, C
, of the
LM146 is approximately 2 pF; any stray capacitance, C
(due to external circuit circuit layout) will add to C
. When
resistive or active feedback is applied, an additional pole is
added to the open loop frequency response of the device.
For instance with resistive feedback (Figure 2), this pole oc-
curs at
(R1||R2) (C
+ C
). Make sure that this pole oc-
curs at least 2 octaves beyond the expected 3 dB fre-
quency corner of the closed loop gain of the amplifier; if not,
place a lead capacitor in the feedback such that the time
constant of this capacitor and the resistance it parallels is
equal to the R
+ C
), where R
is the input resistance of
the circuit.
Temperature Effect on the GBW:
The GBW (gain band-
width product), of the LM146 is directly proportional to I
and inversely proportional to the absolute temperature.
When using resistors to set the bias current, I
, of the de-
vice, the GBW product will decrease with increasing tem-
perature. Compensation can be provided by creating an I
current directly proportional to temperature (see typical ap-
Isolation Between Amplifiers:
The LM146 die is isother-
mally layed out such that crosstalk between all 4amplifiers is
in excess of 105 dB (DC). Optimum isolation (better than
110 dB) occurs between amplifiers A and D, B and C; that
is, if amplifier A dissipates power on its output stage, ampli-
fier D is the one which will be affected the least, and vice
versa. Same argument holds for amplifiers B and C.
LM146 Typical Performance Summary:
The LM146 typical
behaviour is shown in Figure 3 The device is fully predict-
able. As the set current, I
, increases, the speed, the bias
current, and the supply current increase while the noise
power decreases proportionally and the V
remains con-
stant. The usable GBW range of the op amp is 10 kHz to
3.54 MHz.
Low Power Supply Operation:
The quad op amp operates
down to
1.3V supply. Also, since the internal circuitry is bi-
ased through programmable current sources, no degrada-
tion of the device speed will occur.
Speed vs Power Consumption:
LM146 vs LM4250 (single
programmable). Through Figure 4 we observe that the
LM146’s power consumption has been optimized for GBW
products above 200 kHz, whereas the LM4250 will reach a
GBW of no more than 300 kHz. For GBW products below
200 kHz, the LM4250 will consume less power.
FIGURE 3. LM146 Typical Characteristics
FIGURE 4. LM146 vs LM4250