Simply put, nobody gives you more options for ARM Cortex-M than NXP.
Our ARM CortexTM-M portfolio one of the largest in the industry covers the entire spectrum of embedded applications.
Our Cortex-M0 devices use a low-power core that’s ready to replace traditional 8/16-bit architectures. Our Cortex-M3 devices
offer best-in-class bandwidth and connectivity, and our new Cortex-M4 devices bring high-performance signal processing
capabilities within reach of the typical MCU programmer. All our Cortex-M devices build on an optimized ARM core to
deliver higher performance, consume less power, and offer more peripherals. Designers can choose from the many tools
available in the ARM ecosystem, or use a single, comprehensive toolchain to support all Cortex-M devices. Plus, our long-term
strategic relationship with ARM gives us early access to next-generation IP, so you can be sure you’re working with the latest
-M0 LPC1100XL Simple, low-power, and low-cost
Robust industrial control
Up to 50 MHz
World’s first dual-core DSCs
204 MHz
Lowest-power Cortex-M3 with USB
High Speed USB and advanced peripherals
Complete MCUs with USB, Ethernet,
and LCD
Up to 180 MHz
Best-in-class performance, power, and connectivity
Changing the landscape for embedded