LP3941A Power-Up/Down Sequences
Power-up initiated by hands free signal, RTC Alarm or charger insertion.
Note 18:
If LDO1 does not reach 93% of nominal output level in 60 ms, LP3941A powers down.
Note 19:
If PS_HOLD does not go high in 35 ms from RESET high, LP3941A powers down.
Note 20:
If UVLO occurs before the rising edge of the PS_HOLD, LP3941A powers down.
Note 21:
If LDO1 output drops below 85% of nominal output level, LP3941A waits for 90 ms for it to recover to 93% (with RESET = ‘0’) before powering down. If
LDO1 output reaches 93%, power-up sequence resumes with 40 ms RESET delay.
Note 22:
LP3941A powers down after PS_HOLD has been low for
35 ms continuously. ON-signal, HF_PWR, CHG_IN or RTC ALARM have no control over
shutdown operation, but it has to be initiated using PS_HOLD.
Power-Up/Down Reason and
Status Register Operation
Register h’0d stores the reason (the activating signal) for
powering up the PMU. The possible inputs that can activate
the LP3941 are the ON, HF_PWR, RTC ALARM and
CHG_IN signals. The signal that activated the LP3941A will
have its corresponding bit set to ‘1’. If multiple signals acti-
vate the PMU simultaneously then they are all marked with
‘1’ in register h’0d.
Register h’2e maintains the current status of ON, HF_PWR
and RTC_ALARM signals and indicates the presence of an
external charger connected to the PMU. This register shows
the current status of the inputs whereas h’0d indicates the
reason for power-up and remains thereafter static until an-
other power-up sequence occurs.
Register h’2e also indicates the status of the two comparator
outputs and the status of the ADC as well.
Note that the bit indicating the presence of an external
charger voltage in register h’2e differs provides different
information than that in register h’0d. Register h’0d CHG_IN-
bit is ‘1’ if CHG_IN-pin was logic high at start-up. Register
h’2e Charger Present-bit indicates whether the CHG_IN pin
voltage is within acceptable limits (4.5V
for charging. If the V
is valid for charging then this bit
in register h’2e is set to ‘1’.
Flowchart Operation
The power-up/power-down state machine is reset when
VBATT pin is less than 2.1V. The state machine is reset into
the POWEROFF state. In this state the UVLO in enabled. All
other functions except the RTC_LDO are off.
If an external charger or hands free power is connected, the
state machine advances to the EXTERNAL STANDBY state
and waits for the battery voltage to reach 3.0V. When the
battery voltage reaches 3.0V the state machine advances to
state UVLO is enabled.
If the battery voltage reaches 3.0V before hands free power
or a charger is connected the state machine advances to the
STANDBY state. The back-up battery charger is enabled. If
the ON-key is pressed, a charger is inserted, hands free
power is connected or the RTC_ALARM goes high the state
machine advances to the TURNON LDOs state.
Once in the TURNON LDOs state LDOs 1, 3 and 5 are
enabled. The state machine remains in this state until LDO1
output reaches 93% of its nominal value or 60 ms have