Configuration Data and the Configuration Utility
Table 5.7
Device Slot Operation Questions
What SCSI ID to you want associated
with device slot x
Enter the SCSI ID you want to associate with each device slot
specified above. This question repeats for each device slot
Enter output pin to be used for device
slot x (SCSI ID y) LED MSB:
Enter the MPLED pin assignments for each device slot LED
MSB and LSB specified above, using the format described at
the beginning of
Table 5.4
. This pair of questions repeats for
each device slot specified.
If only one LED was selected for each device slot in the
previous questions, then only one MPLED pin will be
assigned here for each device slot (that is, not an MSB
an LSB).
Enter output pin to be used for device
slot x (SCSI ID y) LED LSB:
Enter input pin to be used for device
slot x (SCSI ID y) Device Present:
Enter the MPIO pin assignment for device present status for
each device slot specified above, using the format described
at the beginning of
Table 5.4
This question repeats for each device slot specified, provided
that the user has answered “
” to the previous question, “Will
there be a Device Present input signal for each device”
Enter output pin to be used for device
slot x (SCSI ID y) Ready Device:
Enter the MPIO pin assignment for device ready for each
device slot specified above, using the format described at the
beginning of
Table 5.4
This question repeats for each device slot specified, provided
that the user has answered “
” to the previous question, “Will
there be a Ready Device for Use output signal for each
Enter output pin to be used for device
slot x (SCSI ID y) Remove/Insert
Enter the MPIO pin assignment for device remove/insert for
each device slot specified above, using the format described
at the beginning of
Table 5.4
This question repeats for each device slot specified, provided
that the user has answered “
” to the previous question, “Will
there be a Prepare Device for Insertion/Removal output signal
for each device”
Enter input pin to be used for single
input temp alarm #x:
Enter the MPIO pin assignment for each binary temperature
sensor specified above, using the format described at the
beginning of
Table 5.4
This question repeats for each single input temperature
sensor specified.