Configuring the LSIU40HVD
With Media Installed
provides removable media support wherever the
drive(s) actually resides.
One of these choices can be selected by highlighting it and pressing
CHS Mapping –
This option defines the cylinder head sector (CHS)
values that will be mapped onto a disk without pre-existing partition
information. SCSI Plug and Play Mapping is the default value.
To support interchange with noncompatible systems, there is another
option that can be selected by choosing CHS Mapping and then
cursoring to
Alternate CHS Mapping
Neither of these options will have any effect after the disk
has been partitioned with the FDISK command.
To remove partitioning, two options are available:
Reformat the disk using the Format Device option. See
Section, “Device Selections Menu.”
Use the FDISK /MBR command at the C:\ prompt, where MBR
represents master boot record.
Reformatting the disk or using FDISK /MBR erases all
partitioning and data that exists. Be careful that you target
the correct disk when using either the Format utility or the
FDISK /MBR command.
After clearing the partitions and data, it is necessary to
reboot and clear memory or the old partitioning data will be
reused, thus nullifying the previous operation.
Spinup Delay (seconds) –
This option allows the user to stagger
spinups for a longer period of time to balance the total current load. The
default value is 2 seconds with choices between 1 and 10 seconds.
This is a power management device designed to accommodate disk
devices that may have heavy current load during power-up. If multiple
drives are being powered up simultaneously and drawing heavy current
loads, then this option staggers the spinups to limit start-up current.