Input Offset Voltage
The offset voltage will change depending upon which input
stage is active and the maximum offset voltage is guaran-
teed to less than 550
V. To maintain the precision charac-
teristics of the amplifier, the change of V
over the entire
input common mode range (CMRR) is limited to be less
than 550
V on a single 5V and 3V supply.
Input Bias Current
The input bias current polarity depends on a given input
common voltage at which the input stage is operating.
When the PNP input stage is active, the input bias currents
flow out of the input pins. When the NPN input stage is
activated, the input bias current flows into the input pins.
Because the input offset current is less than the input bias
current, matching the source resistances at the input pins
will reduce total offset error.
The LT1806/LT1807 can deliver a large output current, so
the short-circuit current limit is set around 90mA to
prevent damage to the device. Attention must be paid to
keep the junction temperature of the IC below the absolute
maximum rating of 150
C (refer to the Power Dissipation
section) when the output is continuously short-circuited.
The output of the amplifier has reverse-biased diodes
connected to each supply. If the output is forced beyond
either supply, unlimited current will flow through these
diodes. If the current is transient and limited to one
hundred milliamps or less, no damage to the device will
Overdrive Protection
When the input voltage exceeds the power supplies, two
pairs of crossing diodes D1 to D4 will prevent the output
from reversing polarity. If the input voltage exceeds either
power supply by 700mV, diode D1/D2 or D3/D4 will turn
on to keep the output at the proper polarity. For the phase
reversal protection to perform properly, the input current
must be limited to less than 5mA. If the amplifier is
severely overdriven, an external resistor should be used to
limit the overdrive current.
The LT1806/LT1807’s input stages are also protected
against large differential input voltages of 1.4V or higher
by a pair of back-to-back diodes, D5/D8, that prevent the
emitter-base breakdown of the input transistors. The
current in these diodes should be limited to less than
10mA when they are active. The worst-case differential
input voltage usually occurs when the input is driven while
the output is shorted to ground in a unity gain configura-
tion. In addition, the amplifier is protected against ESD
strikes up to 3kV on all pins by a pair of protection diodes,
ESDD1 to ESDD6, on each pin that are connected to the
power supplies as shown in Figure 1.
Capacitive Load
The LT1806/LT1807 are optimized for high bandwidth and
low distortion applications. They can drive a capacitive
load of about 20pF in a unity-gain configuration, and more
for higher gain. When driving a larger capacitive load, a
resistor of 10
to 50
should be connected between the
output and the capacitive load to avoid ringing or oscilla-
tion. The feedback should still be taken from the output so
that the resistor will isolate the capacitive load to ensure
stability. Graphs on capacitive loads indicate the transient
response of the amplifier when driving the capacitive load
with a specified series resistor.
Feedback Components
When feedback resistors are used to set up gain, care must
be taken to ensure that the pole formed by the feedback
resistors and the total capacitance at the inverting input
does not degrade stability. For instance, the LT1806/
LT1807 in a noninverting gain of 2, set up with two 1k
resistors and a capacitance of 3pF (part plus PC board) will
probably ring in transient response. The pole is formed at
106MHz that will reduce phase margin by 34 degrees
when the crossover frequency of the amplifier is around
70MHz. A capacitor of 3pF or higher connected across the
feedback resistor will eliminate any ringing or oscillation.