applicaTions inForMaTion
as the total –IN1 parasitic capacitance will eliminate
any ringing or oscillation. Special care should be taken
during layout, including using the shortest possible trace
lengths and stripping the ground plane under the –IN1
pin, to minimize the parasitic capacitance introduced at
that pin.
Input bias current induced DC voltage offsets in the input
op amp can be minimized by matching the parallel imped-
+IN1. For example, in the typical gain-of-two application,
when the input op amp is configured as a unity-gain buffer,
choosing RF = RS will minimize the differential offset at the
output. Since nonzero values of RF will contribute to the
total output noise, RF may be bypassed with a capacitor
to reduce the noise bandwidth.
The operational amplifier at pins OUT1, +IN2 and OUT2 is
internally configured as a unity-gain inverter and provides
on pin OUT2 an inverted copy of the voltage at pin OUT1.
The voltage applied to pin +IN2 sets the output common
mode voltage in accordance with Equation (3). The range
of useful output common mode voltages is limited by the
full-scale input range of A/D converters; values of output
common mode near mid-rail are most useful. The op amp
used for the inverting buffer therefore differs from the
input op amp primarily in that its input common mode
range is not rail-to-rail: the inverting op amp has an input
stage that functions over the input range from V– + 1.5V
to V+ – 0.1V.
The inverting op amp uses tightly matched, 1k on-chip re-
current flows through these resistors, increasing the total
power dissipation of the LT6350. The worst-case increase
that the full power supply voltage appears between OUT1
and OUT2. In this case the extra power dissipated in the
internal feedback network will be VS2/2kΩ.
Since the inverting op amp is permanently configured
with a noise gain of two, the internal frequency compen-
sation has been adjusted such that the GBW product
of the inverting op amp is higher than that of the input
op amp. This allows the closed-loop bandwidths of the
two op amps to match more closely when the LT6350 is
used in the typical differential gain of two configuration
and increases the closed-loop differential bandwidth in
that application.
The input referred voltage offset of the inverting op amp,
which is equivalent to output common mode voltage
offset, and which could contribute to differential voltage
offset in accordance with Equation (2), is trimmed during
manufacture to within ±125V. To minimize the offset
contribution of the input bias current into pin +IN2, an
external 499Ω resistor should be installed at pin +IN2
for all applications. For more information, see the Setting
The Output Common Mode and Offset Considerations
There are back-to-back diodes across the + and – inputs
of both LT6350 op amps. The inputs of the LT6350 do not
have internal resistors in series with the input transistors,
a technique often used to protect the input transistors
from excessive current flow during a differential overdrive
condition. Adding series input resistors would signifi-
cantly degrade the low noise performance. Therefore, if
the voltage across the op amp input stages is allowed to
exceed ±0.7V, steady-state current conducted though the
protection diodes should be externally limited to ±20mA.
The input diodes are rugged enough to handle transient
clipping without protection resistors.