Review of CCITT Recommendation V.35
Electrical Specifications
V.35 is a CCITT recommendation for synchronous data
transmission via modems. Appendix 2 of the recommen-
dation describes the electrical specifications which are
summarized below:
1. The interface cable is a balanced twisted pair with 80
to 120 impedance.
2. The transmitter’s source impedance is between 50
and 150.
3. The transmitter’s resistance between shorted termi-
nals and ground is 150 ±15.
4. When terminated by a 100 resistive load, the termi-
nal-to-terminal voltage should be 0.55V ±20%.
5. The transmitter’s rise time should be less than 1% of
the signal pulse or 40ns, whichever is greater.
6. The common mode voltage at the transmitter output
should not exceed 0.6V.
7. The receiver impedance is 100 ±10.
8. The receiver impedance to ground is 150 ±15.
9. The transmitter or receiver should not be damaged
by connection to earth ground, short-circuiting or
cross connection to other lines.
10. No data errors should occur with ±2V common
mode change at either the transmitter/receiver or
±4V ground potential difference between transmit-
ter and receiver.
Cable Termination
Each end of the cable connected to an LTC1346A must be
terminated by an external Y- or -resistor network for
proper operation. The Y-termination has two series con-
nected 50 resistors and a 125 resistor connected
between ground and the center tap of the two 50 resistors
as shown in Figure 6.
The alternative -termination has a 120 resistor across
the twisted wires and two 300 resistors between each
wire and ground. Standard 1/8W, 5% surface mount
resistors can be used for the termination network. To
maintain the proper differential output swing, the resistor
tolerance must be 5% or better. A termination network
that combines all the resistors into an SO-14 package is
available from:
BI Technologies (Formerly Beckman Industrial)
Resistor Networks
4200 Bonita Place
Fullerton, CA 92635
Phone: (714) 447-2357
FAX: (714) 447-2500
Part #: BI Technologies 627T500/1250 (SOIC)
899-5-500/1250 (DIP)
Figure 6. Y- and -Termination Networks
LTC1346A F06