1. Package Breakage
In order to prevent the package from being broken,
observe the following instructions :
1) The CMOS image sensor is a precise optical
Take care not to drop the device when
mounting, handling, or transporting.
Avoid giving a shock to the package.
Especially when pins are fixed to the socket
or the circuit board, small shock could break
the package more easily than when the
package isn’t fixed.
2) When mounting the package on the housing,
be sure that the package is not bent.
– If a bent package is forced into place
between a hard plate or the like, the pack-
age may be broken.
3) If any damage or breakage occurs on the sur-
face of the glass cap, its characteristics could
Do not hit the glass cap.
Do not give a shock large enough to cause
Do not scrub or scratch the glass surface.
– Even a soft cloth or applicator, if dry, could
cause flaws to scratch the glass.
2. Electrostatic Damage
As compared with general MOS-LSI, CMOS image
sensor has lower ESD. Therefore, take the following
antistatic measures when handling the CMOS
image sensor :
1) Always discharge static electricity by grounding
the human body and the instrument to be used.
To ground the human body, provide resistance
of about 1 M$ between the human body and
the ground to be on the safe side.
2) When directly handling the device with the
fingers, hold the part without pins and do not
touch any pin.
3) To avoid generating static electricity,
a. do not scrub the glass surface with cloth or
b. do not attach any tape or labels.
c. do not clean the glass surface with dust-
cleaning tape.
4) When storing or transporting the device, put it in
a container of conductive material.
3. Dust and Contamination
Dust or contamination on the glass surface could
deteriorate the output characteristics or cause a
scar. In order to minimize dust or contamination on
the glass surface, take the following precautions :
1) Handle the CMOS image sensor in a clean
environment such as a cleaned booth. (The
cleanliness level should be, if possible, class
1 000 at least.)
2) Do not touch the glass surface with the fingers.
If dust or contamination gets on the glass
surface, the following cleaning method is
recommended :
Dust from static electricity should be blown
off with an ionized air blower. For anti-
electrostatic measures, however, ground all
the pins on the device before blowing off the
The contamination on the glass surface
should be wiped off with a clean applicator
soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Wipe slowly and
gently in one direction only.
– Frequently replace the applicator and do not
use the same applicator to clean more than
one device.
Note : In most cases, dust and contamination
are unavoidable, even before the device
is first used. It is, therefore, recommended
that the above procedures should be
taken to wipe out dust and contamination
before using the device.