M16C/29 Group
Under development Preliminary specification
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
1. Overview
Rev.0.30 2004.06.15
page 12 of 30
Pin Name
Signal name
I/O type
I/O port P7
This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. P7 can also function as
I/O for timer A0 to A3, as selected by software. Additional
programming options are: P70 to P73 can assume UART1 or
UART2 I/O capabilities, and P72 to P75 can function as output pins
for the three-phase motor control timer.
I/O port P8
This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Additional software
selectable secondary functions are: 1) P80 and P81 can act as
either I/O for Timer A4, as output pins for the three-phase motor
control timer; 2) P82 to P84 can be configured as external interrupt
pins. P84 can be used for Timer A Zphase function; 3) P85 can be
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used as NMI/SD. P85 can not be used as I/O port while the three-
phase motor control is enabled. Apply a stable "H" to P85 after
setting the direction register for P85 to "0" when the three-phase
motor control is enabled, and; 4) P86 to P87 can serve as I/O pins
for the subclock generation circuit. In this latter case, a quartz
oscillator must be connected between P86 (XCOUT pin) and P87
(XCIN pin).
I/O port P9
This is an 7-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. Additional software
selectable scondary functions are: 1) P90 to P92 can act as Timer
B0 to B2 input pins; 2) P90 to P92 can act as A/D converter input
pins; 3) P90 outputs a no division, divide-by-8 or divide-by-32 clock
of XIN or a clock of the same frequency as XCIN as selected by
program; 4) P92 and P93 can function as I/O pins fpr the CAN
module; 5) P93, P95 to P97 can act as A/D converter input pins,
and; 6) P96 to P97 can assume SI/O4 I/O. P95 to P97 is not in 64
pin version.
I/O port P10
This is an 8-bit I/O port equivalent to P0. This port can also function
as A/D converter input pins, as selected by software. Furthermore,
P104 to P107 can also function as input pins for the key input
interrupt function.
Table 1.6.2 Pin Description(2)