Conference.For each channel,the PCM signal
coming in is added to its conference and the
PCM signal of the previous frame is subtracted
to its conference before being sent out. The
output signal contains only the data of all the
other channels in its conference except its
Tone. A fourth of a sine wave equivalent to
3.9Hz (8KHz/2048) is stored in a ROMwhich is
read at multiple of the step (modulus 512)
equivalentto the specifiedfrequency. This step
is used until the duration is reached then a
new step will be used according to the speci-
fied sequence.
Attenuationgain. The PCM signal is converted
to logarithmic of the equivalent linear and then
added or subtracted to the specified level. It is
then raised to the power of 10 to be converted
back to linear.
The basic time slot (16 periods of the master
clock) is divided in four different parts that per-
form four different operations (also refer to Fig. 2
block diagram):
# input processing: attenuation or gain of input
PCM according to the algorithm mentioned
earlier. The serial PCM signal coming in is
loaded as 8 bits parallel and convertedto loga-
rithmic of the linear (through the PCM to LOG
LIN block). It is then added to the attenuation
or gain levels (also in logarithmic) stored in the
MPU interface, the result is raised to the power
of 10 (through the POWER 10 block) to be
converted back to linear and written in the
# conference addition: the above PCM signal,
amplified or attenuatedand converted in linear,
is added to the conference and the result is
stored in the conference RAM (block CONF
# conferencesubtraction: the signal stored in the
FRAME RAM during the previousframe is sub-
tracted to the conference and the result is
stored in theconferenceRAM.
# output processing: attenuation or gain of the
PCM to be sent out. The result of the above
substraction is converted to PCM (through the
block LIN to PCM) and to logarithmic (through
the block PCM to LOG LIN), added to the at-
tenuationor gain level stored in the MPU inter-
face, converted to linear (through the block
POWER 10) and then to PCM (through the
block LIN to PCM). The resulting 8 bits are
then shiftedout serially.
If a channel is in conference, then all the four
above operations are applied. If it is in transpar-
ent mode, then only the first and last operations
are applied. For tone generation, the two first op-
erations are not used. During the third part, the
tone ROM is read. Since the ROM data is in lin-
ear it can therefore be applied to the fourth opera-
tion for output processing.
By default, after reset, the M34116 has the func-
tionality and the instruction set of the M116. With
a new operating mode instruction, the user can
select the functionalityof the M34116 with its new
instruction set. The instructionset includes:
operating mode: the usercan chooseeither the
M116 mode or the M34116 mode, the PCM
byte format (no bit inverted, even bit inverted,
odd bit inverted or all bit inverted) and the
presenceor not of the extra bit.
conferenceconnection:the user specifieswhich
channel to be connected to which conference
withthe attenuationor gain levelsto be applied
to the PCM signal coming in and/orsent out.
transparentconnection:the user specifies which
channel to be connected in transparent mode
(bypass mode) with the attenuationor gain lev-
els to be applied to the PCM signal coming in
and/orsent out.
tone generation: the user specifies to which
channel the tone must be sent out with the at-
tenuation or gain levels and the tone se-
quence. The sequence is composed of maxi-
mum 4 pairs of frequency-durationfor toneand
maximum 32 pairs of frequency-duration for
melody. The frequency range is 3.9Hz to
3938Hz and the duration range is from 32ms
to 8610ms. The user can specify either all of
the pairs or finish the sequence with the byte
hex FF. The M34116 will loop the specifiedse-
quence endlessly or until the channel is dis-
connected. The melody could be either a sine
or square wave(pin programmable).
channeldisconnection:the userspecifies which
channel to be disconnected. A disconnected
channel can be reconnected only after a mini-
mum of one frametime.
overflow status.The userspecifies which of the
4 banks of 8 conferencesto be monitored and
the M34116 will send the status byte at the
read operation.
channel status. The user specifies the channel
number and the M34116 will send out the
status bytes at theread operation. These bytes
include: conference number or transparent
mode or tone or no connection, input attenu-
ation or gain levels, output attenuationor gain
levels. If the channel is in the tone mode, the
tone sequence of frequency and duration will
also be sent out.