M37212M4/M8–XXXSP, M37212M6–XXXSP/FP
Rev. 1.0
8.6.10 Example of Master Transmission
An example of master transmission in the standard clock mode, at
the SCL frequency of 100 kHz and in the ACK return mode is shown
Set a slave address in the high-order 7 bits of the I2C address
register (address 00D816) and “0” in the RBW bit.
Set the ACK return mode and SCL = 100 kHz by setting “8516” in
the I2C clock control register (address 00DB16).
Set “1016” in the I2C status register (address 00D916) and hold the
SCL at the HIGH.
{ Set a communication enable status by setting “4816” in the I2C
control register (address 00DA16).
Set the address data of the destination of transmission in the high-
order 7 bits of the I2C data shift register (address 00D716) and set
“0” in the least significant bit.
} Set “F016” in the I2C status register (address 00D916) to generate
a START condition. At this time, an SCL for 1 byte and an ACK
clock automatically occurs.
~ Set transmit data in the I2C data shift register (address 00D716). At
this time, an SCL and an ACK clock automatically occurs.
When transmitting control data of more than 1 byte, repeat step .
Set “D016” in the I2C status register (address 00D916). After this, if
ACK is not returned or transmission ends, a STOP condition will
be generated.
8.6.11 Example of Slave Reception
An example of slave reception in the high-speed clock mode, at the
SCL frequency of 400 kHz, in the ACK non-return mode, using the
addressing format, is shown below.
Set a slave address in the high-order 7 bits of the I2C address
register (address 00D816) and “0” in the RBW bit.
Set the no ACK clock mode and SCL = 400 kHz by setting “2516” in
the I2C clock control register (address 00DB16).
Set “1016” in the I2C status register (address 00D916) and hold the
SCL at the HIGH.
{ Set a communication enable status by setting “4816” in the I2C
control register (address 00DA16).
When a START condition is received, an address comparison is
} When all transmitted address are“0” (general call):
AD0 of the I2C status register (address 00D916) is set to “1”and
an interrupt request signal occurs.
When the transmitted addresses match the address set in :
ASS of the I2C status register (address 00D916) is set to “1” and
an interrupt request signal occurs.
In the cases other than the above:
AD0 and AAS of the I2C status register (address 00D916) are set
to “0” and no interrupt request signal occurs.
~ Set dummy data in the I2C data shift register (address 00D716).
When receiving control data of more than 1 byte, repeat step .
When a STOP condition is detected, the communication ends.