Mar 19, 2009
7545 Group
4. Carrier wave generating circuit
The carrier wave generating circuit is used to generate the control
wave of the remote control by using timer 2 and timer 3
(FigureIn order to use the carrier wave generating function by timer 2,
set “1” to the carrier wave output valid bit (bit 1 of the carrier
wave control register (address 2716)).
Carrier wave “H” duration is set to the timer 2 primary, and
carrier wave “L” duration is set to the timer 2 secondary. Timer 2
counts a primary latch and a secondary latch alternately, and
controls carrier wave “H” duration and the “L” duration (
FigureThe “H” duration of the carrier waveform can be expanded for a
half clock of timer 2 count source by setting “1” to the carrier
Therefore, the frequency of the carrier wave can be set by the
resolution of 1/2 of the timer 2 count source.
For example, the carrier wave of the resolution of 125 ns (max.)
can be generated at f(XIN) = 4 MHz when f(XIN)/1 is selected for
the timer 2 count source.
In order to initialize the carrier waveform, write in the timer 2
primary after stopping the count of timer 2, and then, start the
count of timer 2. The output of the carrier waveform is started
from a primary period.
Output/stop of the carrier waveform can be controlled by
carrier wave is started from the P42/CARR pin when “1” is set to
the software carrier wave output bit (bit 2), and the output of the
carrier wave is stopped when “0” is written.
The auto-output of the carrier wave using timer 3 can be
performed by setting “1” to the carrier wave auto-output control
bit (bit 3)
(Figure 29). Each time timer 3 underflow occurs, the
trigger signal which is used to turn the output of the carrier wave
on/off is generated.
The trigger from timer 3 becomes valid by setting “1” to the
carrier wave output trigger bit (bit 4), and the output/stop of the
carrier wave from the P42/CARR pin is repeated each time timer
3 underflows. Timer 3 count continues without stopping though
the output/stop state of the carrier wave at that time is maintained
when “0” is written to the carrier wave auto-output control bit
(bit 3) while the output of the carrier wave by timer 3 is
In order to initialize output/stop control of the carrier waveform,
write in the timer 3 after stopping the count of timer 3, and then,
start the count of timer 3. The output of the carrier waveform is
started from “waveform output valid period”.
5. 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode
The 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode is used to generate
artificially the 455 kHz carrier wave by auto-control of the
setting value of the timer, or the waveform expansion mode.
If “1” (valid) is set to the 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode
bit (bit 5), the values of the timer latch and the carrier wave “H”
duration expansion bit (bit 0) are automatically set.
Then, the nine waveforms of 2.250
s wavelength and the seven
waveforms of 2.125
s wavelength are generated periodically as
The carrier wave of 455.516 kHz can be pseudo generated since
the average wavelength for one period becomes 2.195
In order to use 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode, use the 4
MHz oscillator and select f(XIN)/1 for the timer 2 count source.
Fig. 25 Carrier wave control register
Carrier wave control register
(CARCNT : address 002716, initial value: 0016)
Carrier wave “H” duration expansion bit
0: “H” duration expansion function invalid
1: “H” duration expansion function valid
Disable (return “0” when read)
Carrier wave output valid bit
0: Carrier wave generating function invalid
1: Carrier wave generating function valid
Software carrier wave output bit
0: Output invalid
1: Output valid
Carrier wave auto-output control bit
0: Auto-control by timer 3 invalid
1: Auto-control by timer 3 valid
Carrier wave output trigger bit
0: Carrier wave output trigger invalid
1: Carrier wave output trigger valid
455 kHz carrier wave generating mode bit
0: 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode
1: 455 kHz carrier wave generating mode
Carrier wave output level bit
0: Positive waveform
1: Inverted waveform