Mar 31, 2009
7548 Group
Input capture
7548 group has 1-input capture channel and can be used to
capture count value of Timer A.
Input capture shares the registers with three output compare
channels, but their individual circuits operate independently so
that all the channels can be used at the same time.
To use input capture, set the capture
0 input port selection bits. If
P03 is selected, set the P03 direction register to 0. When an input
capture trigger is input to the input capture circuit, the count
value of timer A is saved to the capture latches. The timer count
value at the rising edge of the external input trigger is saved to
capture latch 00, and the timer count value at the falling edge of
the external input trigger is saved to capture latch 01. Capture
latch 00 and capture latch 01 can be read using the following
1. Set the capture/compare register RW pointer to the read tar-
get address.
2. Read the high-order bits of the capture/compare registers,
then read the low-order bits of the capture/compare regis-
ters. (Read both the capture/compare registers in the
sequence of high-order bits followed by low-order bits.)
The count value of timer can be retained by software by capture
y (y = 00, 01, 10, 11) software trigger bit too. When “1” is set to
this bit, count value of timer is retained to the corresponded
capture latch.
When reading from the capture y software trigger bit is executed,
“0” is read out.
When the low-speed on-chip oscillator output or XCIN input
clock is selected as the count source of timer A, input capture
can be used only if the same clock source is selected as
φSOURCE and as the count source of timer A.
When writing “1” to capture y software trigger bit of capture
latch 00 and 01 at the same time, or external trigger and
software trigger occur simultaneously, if capture latches 00
and 01 are input simultaneously, the set value of capture 0
status bit is undefined.
When setting the interrupt active edge selection bit and noise
filter clock selection bit of capture 0 the interrupt request bit
may be set to “1”.
When not requiring the interrupt occurrence synchronized with
these setting, take the following sequence.
(1) Set the capture interrupt enable bit to “0” (disabled).
(2) Set the interrupt edge selection bit or noise filter clock
selection bit.
(3) Set the corresponding interrupt request bit to “0” after 1 or
more instructions have been executed.
(4) Set the capture interrupt enable bit to “1” (enabled).
When the capture interrupt is used as the interrupt for return
from stop mode, set the capture 0 noise filter clock selection
bits to “00 (Filter stop)”.
Fig 41. Structure of capture software trigger register
Fig 42. Structure of capture mode register
Capture software trigger register
(CSTR: address 003116, initial value: 0016)
Capture latch 00 software trigger bit
Capture 00 software trigger occurs by setting “1”
to this bit. (returns “0” when read)
Capture latch 01 software trigger bit
Capture 01 software trigger occurs by setting “1”
to this bit. (returns “0” when read)
Not used (returns “0” when read)
Capture 0 interrupt edge selection bits
b1 b0
0 0 : Rising and falling edge
0 1 : Rising edge
1 0 : Falling edge
1 1 : Not available
Capture 0 noise filter clock selection bits
b1 b0
0 0 : Filter stop
0 1 : f (XIN)
1 0 : f (XIN)/8
1 1 : f (XIN)/32
Not used (returns “0” when read)
Capture mode register
(CAPM: address 003216, initial value: 0016)