3819 Group USER’S MANUAL
Table of contents
Fig. 2.9.8 Structure of Interrupt control register 1 ......................................................................... 158
Fig. 2.9.9 Structure of Interrupt control register 2 ......................................................................... 159
Fig. 2.9.10 Connection diagram [Status transition upon a power failure] ................................... 160
Fig. 2.9.11 Status transition diagram upon a power failure .......................................................... 160
Fig. 2.9.12 Setting of related registers [Status transition upon a power failure] ....................... 161
Fig. 2.9.13 Control procedure [Status transition upon a power failure] ...................................... 162
Fig. 2.9.14 Connection diagram [Counting without clock errors during a power failure] .......... 163
Fig. 2.9.15 Timing chart of counting without clock errors during a power failure ..................... 163
Fig. 2.9.16 Structure of a clock counter .......................................................................................... 164
Fig. 2.9.17 Setting of related registers (1) [Counting without clock errors during a power failure] ........... 165
Fig. 2.9.18 Setting of related registers (2) [Counting without clock errors during a power failure] ........... 166
Fig. 2.9.19 Control procedure (1) [Counting without clock errors during a power failure] ....... 167
Fig. 2.9.20 Control procedure (2) [Counting without clock errors during a power failure] ....... 168
Fig. 3.1.1 Structure of interrupt control register 2 .......................................................................... 170
Fig. 3.2.1 Wiring for the RESET pin ................................................................................................ 174
Fig. 3.2.2 Wiring for clock I/O pins .................................................................................................. 175
Fig. 3.2.3 Wiring for the VPP pin of the One Time PROM and the EPROM version ............... 175
Fig. 3.2.4 Bypass capacitor across the VSS line and the VCC line ............................................. 175
Fig. 3.2.5 Analog signal line and a resistor and a capacitor ....................................................... 176
Fig. 3.2.6 Wiring for a large current signal line ............................................................................. 176
Fig. 3.2.7 Wiring to a signal line where potential levels change frequently .............................. 176
Fig. 3.2.8 Setup for I/O ports ............................................................................................................ 177
Fig. 3.2.9 Watchdog timer by software ............................................................................................ 177
Fig. 3.3.1 Structure of Port Pi direction register ............................................................................ 179
Fig. 3.3.2 Structure of Port P2 direction register ........................................................................... 179
Fig. 3.3.3 Structure of Serial I/O automatic transfer data pointer ............................................... 180
Fig. 3.3.4 Structure of Serial I/O 1 control register ....................................................................... 180
Fig. 3.3.5 Structure of Serial I/O automatic transfer control register .......................................... 181
Fig. 3.3.6 Structure of Serial I/O automatic transfer interval register ......................................... 181
Fig. 3.3.7 Structure of Serial I/O 2 control register ....................................................................... 182
Fig. 3.3.8 Structure of Serial I/O 3 control register ....................................................................... 182
Fig. 3.3.9 Structure of Timer 12 mode register .............................................................................. 183
Fig. 3.3.10 Structure of Timer 34 mode register ............................................................................ 183
Fig. 3.3.11 Structure of Timer 56 mode register ............................................................................ 184
Fig. 3.3.12 Structure of AD/DA control register .............................................................................. 185
Fig. 3.3.13 Structure of Interrupt interval determination register ................................................. 186
Fig. 3.3.14 Structure of Interrupt interval determination control register .................................... 186
Fig. 3.3.15 Structure of Port P0 segment/digit switch register ..................................................... 187
Fig. 3.3.16 Structure of Port P2 digit/port switch register ............................................................. 187
Fig. 3.3.17 Structure of Port P8 segment/port switch register ..................................................... 188
Fig. 3.3.18 Structure of Port PA segment/port switch register ..................................................... 188
Fig. 3.3.19 Structure of FLDC mode register 1 .............................................................................. 189
Fig. 3.3.20 Structure of FLDC mode register 2 .............................................................................. 190
Fig. 3.3.21 Structure of FLD data pointer ....................................................................................... 191
Fig. 3.3.22 Structure of FLD data pointer reload register ............................................................. 191
Fig. 3.3.23 Structure of Zero cross detection control register ...................................................... 192
Fig. 3.3.24 Structure of Interrupt edge selection register ............................................................. 192
Fig. 3.3.25 Structure of CPU mode register .................................................................................... 193
Fig. 3.3.26 Structure of Interrupt request register 1 ...................................................................... 193
Fig. 3.3.27 Structure of Interrupt request register 2 ...................................................................... 194
Fig. 3.3.28 Structure of Interrupt control register 1 ....................................................................... 194
Fig. 3.3.29 Structure of Interrupt control register 2 ....................................................................... 195