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Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
Schottky Barrier Packaged
and Beam Lead Tees
MA4E20, MA4E970 Series
Small Physical Size for Microstrip Mounting
High Reliability
Closely Matched Junctions for High Isolation
Three Diode Barrier Heights are Available
Minimum Parasitics for Broadband Designs
Each Schottky barrier beam lead Tee consists of two close-
ly matched diodes connected in the classic Tee configura-
tion. The diodes are formed monolithically to assure close
matching of electrical characteristics such as capacitance,
forward voltage and series resistance. The silicon that
originally connected the diodes on the wafer is removed.
The beam lead construction assures minimum parasitic
capacitance, connecting lead inductance and permits the
interconnection of the diodes into Tees at the wafer level.
Three barrier levels are available allowing different levels
of local oscillator drive power. The L series features a low
barrier for applications which have low available local
oscillator power. Both medium barrier (M series) and high
barrier (H series) devices are available for applications
with higher drive levels. The RF and local oscillator fre-
quencies can range up to 18 GHz with selection of an
appropriate junction capacitance. Each series is available
in three case styles which are compatible with microstrip
or stripline assembly techniques. The 270 case style is her-
metically sealed and is suggested for harsh environments
or for military or high reliability circuits. The 272 case style
is a low cost plastic enclosure similar in case style. The
beam lead case styles 271 and 1012 are designed for max-
imum bandwidth. The case style 271 is a forward tee and
the 1012 is a reverse tee. The case style 1000 is the small-
est stripline package and has the lowest parasitic capaci-
tance and inductance.
Case Styles
Case Styles (See appendix for complete dimensions.)
Absolute Maximum Ratings at 25°C
Absolute Maximum
Operating and Storage
Temperature Range
-65°C to +150°C
(Case Style 270, 271 and 1012)
-65°C to +125°C
(Case Styles 272, 1000)
Maximum Power Dissipation
(derate linearly to zero
allowable dissipation at 150°C)
75 mW/junction
Soldering Temperature
235°C for 10 sec. (Case Style 270)
150°C for 5 sec.
(Case Styles 271, 272)
Beam Strength
2g (Case Style 271, 1012)