Applications Information
Input Power Supply and Capacitance
Connect both IN inputs together externally. IN powers
the internal control circuitry and charge pump for the
switch, allowing a decreased R
. Bypass IN to GND
with a 1μF ceramic capacitor. When driving inductive
loads or operating from inductive sources, which may
occur when the device is powered by long leads or PC
traces, larger input bypass capacitance is required to
prevent voltage spikes from exceeding the absolute
maximum ratings during short-circuit events.
Output Capacitor
Bypass OUT to GND with a 4.7μF ceramic capacitor for
local decoupling. Additional bulk capacitance (up to
470μF) reduces output-voltage transients under dynam-
ic load conditions. Using output capacitors greater than
470μF might assert
if the current limit cannot
charge the output capacitor within the 20ms fault-
blanking period. In addition to bulk capacitance, small-
value (0.1μF or greater) ceramic capacitors improve the
s resilience to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Driving Inductive Loads
A wide variety of devices (mice, keyboards, cameras,
and printers) typically connect to the USB port with
cables, which might add an inductive component to the
load. This inductance causes the output voltage at the
USB port to oscillate during a load step. The
MAX1562/MAX1562H/MAX1563 drive inductive loads,
but avoid exceeding the device
s absolute maximum
ratings. The load inductance is usually relatively small,
and the MAX1562/MAX1562H/MAX1563s
includes a substantial bulk capacitance from an
upstream regulator, as well as local bypass capacitors,
limiting overshoot. If severe ringing occurs because of
large-load inductance, clamp the MAX1562/MAX1562H/
MAX1563 outputs below +6V and above -0.3V.
Turn-On and Turn-Off Behavior
When turned on, the MAX1562/MAX1562H/MAX1563 out-
put ramps up over 2.5ms to eliminate load transients on
the upstream power source. When turned off, the output
ramps down for 800μs. Under fault conditions, the output
of the switches turns off rapidly to provide maximum safe-
ty for the upstream power source and downstream
devices. Internal blocks shut down to minimize supply
current when the switch is off.
Programmable 4A USB Current-Limited
Switches with Autoreset and Fault Blanking
Table 2. Current Limiting and Fault Behavior
Output Short-Circuit
< +1V)
If a short is detected at the output, the channel turns off, and the blanking timer begins.
remains high during the blanking timeout period.
If the short persists during the fault-blanking period, the output pulses at 0.30 x I
RMS. If the short
is removed before the 20ms short-circuit blanking timeout period, the next ramped current pulse soft-
starts the output.
remains high.
If the short-circuit persists after the fault-blanking period.
goes low, autoreset mode begins,
and the output sources 25mA.
If the output voltage rises above 0.5V for 20ms, the channel resets, the output turns on, and
goes high.
Output Overload Current
> +1V)
If an overload occurs, output current regulates at I
and the blanking timer turns on.
high during the blanking timeout period.
Continuous current at I
persists until either the 20ms blanking period expires or a thermal
fault occurs.
If overcurrent persists after 20ms,
goes low, autoreset mode is enabled, and the output
sources 25mA.
If the output voltage rises above 0.5V for 20ms, the channel resets, the output turns on, and
goes high (see the Overload Response into 1.4
graph in the
Typical Operating
Thermal Fault
> +160
A junction temperature of +160
C immediately asserts
low (the blanking timeout period
does not apply for thermal faults) and turns off the switch. When the junction cools by 15
C, the
thermal fault is cleared and
goes high. Note that if other fault conditions are present when
a thermal fault clears, those fault states take effect.