High-Voltage Watchdog Timers with
Adjustable Timeout Delay
Detailed Description
The MAX16997/MAX16998 are P supervisory circuits
for high-input-voltage and low-quiescent-current appli-
cations. These devices improve system reliability by
monitoring the sub-system for software code execution
errors. The MAX16997A/MAX16998A/B/D detect down-
stream circuit failures, and provide switchover to
redundant circuitry. These devices provide complete
adjustability for reset and watchdog functions.
The MAX16998A/B/D generate two output signals,
RESET and ENABLE, that depend on the voltage level
at RESETIN and the signal at WDI. RESET asserts
whenever RESETIN drops below the selected reset
threshold voltage. RESET remains low for the reset
timeout period after all reset conditions are deasserted,
and then goes high. RESET also asserts for a period of
tRESET whenever a WDI fault occurs. The MAX16997A
generates one output signal (ENABLE) based on the
voltage level at EN and the signal at WDI.
The MAX16997A/MAX16998A provide watchdog time-
out adjustability with an external capacitor. The
MAX16998A asserts RESET when two consecutive WDI
falling edges do not occur within the watchdog timeout
period. This device also asserts ENABLE if three con-
secutive watchdog timeout periods have elapsed with-
out a falling edge at WDI. ENABLE remains low until
three consecutive good WDI falling edges occur.
ENABLE does not assert if the voltage at RESETIN (EN)
is below its threshold. For the MAX16997A, the watch-
dog timer starts timing if the voltage at EN is higher
than a preset threshold level. Each time the voltage at
EN rises from below to above the preset threshold volt-
age, the initial watchdog timeout period is 8 times the
normal watchdog timeout period (tWP). Other than
described above, the MAX16997A behaves the same
as the MAX16998A.
The MAX16998B/MAX16998D contain a window watch-
dog timer that looks for activity outside an expected
window of operation. The window size is factory-set to
50% (MAX16998B) or 75% (MAX16998D) of the adjust-
ed watchdog timeout period.
Reset Output (
RESET) (MAX16998A/B/D)
The reset output is typically connected to the reset
input of the C to start or restart it in a known state. The
MAX16998A/B/D provide an active-low open-drain
reset logic to prevent code execution errors.
For the MAX16998A/B/D, RESET asserts whenever
RESETIN drops below the selected reset threshold volt-
age (VPON). RESET remains low for the reset timeout
period after RESETIN exceeds the selected threshold
voltage, and then goes high.
The MAX16998A asserts RESET for a period of tRESET
when two consecutive WDI falling edges do not occur
within the adjusted watchdog timeout period. The
MAX16998B/D also assert RESET for a period of tRESET
when a WDI falling edge does not occur within the
open window period.
Anytime reset asserts, the watchdog timer clears. At
the end of the reset timeout period, RESET goes high,
and the watchdog timer is restarted from zero (see the
Selecting the Watchdog Timeout Capacitor section).
Enable Output (
If the C fails to operate correctly (e.g., the software
execution is stuck in a loop), WDI does not trigger any
more and RESET pulls low, resetting the C. If the C
does not work properly in the next loop either, the
device asserts RESET again. After three watchdog
timeout periods elapse with no falling edges at WDI,
ENABLE asserts and flags a backup circuit that can
take over the operation.
ENABLE remains low until three consecutive WDI
falling edges with periods shorter than the watchdog
timeout occur. ENABLE does not assert if the voltage at
RESETIN (EN) is below its threshold. These devices are
guaranteed to be in correct ENABLE output logic state
when VIN remains greater than 1.1V.
Power-On/Power-Off Sequence
Figure 5 shows the power-up and power-down
RESET and ENABLE for the
On power-up, once VIN reaches 1.1V, RESET goes
logic-low. As RESETIN rises, RESET remains low. When
RESETIN rises above VPON, the reset timer starts and
RESET remains low. When the reset timeout period
ends, RESET goes high.
On power-down, once RESETIN goes below VPON,
RESET goes low and remains low until VIN drops below
1.1V. Figure 6 shows the detailed power-up sequence
for the MAX16998A/B/D.