Wide Brightness Range
CCFL Backlight Controllers
transient that C
is designed to protect against is
open tube at the beginning of DPWM pulses.
Large C
values reduce transient overshoots, but
can cause loss of regulation at low DPWM duty cycles
by increasing the delay to strike voltage. Smaller values
of C
allow quicker DPWM startups and faster
response to fault conditions. Very small values of C
make the circuit more susceptible to ringing, and in
extreme cases may cause instability. Some ringing is
expected between the Royer oscillator and the buck
inductor. Some of the ringing can be suppressed by
adding a capacitor in parallel with R5. This capacitor
should be chosen such that:
1 / (2
C) = ringing frequency
When using high DPWM frequencies and low DPWM
duty cycles, the DPWM on-time is reduced. In some
cases, this causes the lamp current transient to exceed
the DPWM on-time. In this case, the MAX1739/
MAX1839 lose regulation and the lamp current never
reaches the lamp current set point. Supply rejection
while operating in this condition is degraded. If the
DPWM on-time is short enough, the lamp current does
not have enough time to reach the lamp-out threshold
and causes a lamp-out detection. To prevent this,
decrease the turn-on transient duration (by lowering
), increase the DPWM duty cycle (by limiting the
brightness code), or decrease the DPWM frequency
Synchronizing the DPWM Frequency
DPWM or other
methods can cause audible
noise from some transformers. The transformer should
be carefully designed to avoid such behavior.
Dimming Range
The external components required to achieve a dim-
ming range are highly dependent on the CCFL used.
The standard application circuit uses a CCFL with strin-
gent requirements. To achieve a 20:1 dimming range,
the standard circuit drops slightly more voltage across
C6 as it does across the CCFL at the full lamp current
setting. This ensures good stability in that circuit with
as low as 1V. To further increase the dimming
range when using this CCFL, C6 must be increased,
which increases the maximum secondary transformer
voltage and requires a transformer with a higher volt-
age rating. Other components (such as the primary
transformer inductance and C
) may also need to be
adjusted to maintain good waveforms, Royer efficiency,
and the desired Royer frequency.
Other Components
The high-side MOSFET driver is powered by the exter-
nal boosting circuit formed by C5 and D2. Connect BST
through a signal-level Schottky diode to VL, and
bypass it to LX with a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor. This cir-
cuit delivers the necessary power to drive N1 as shown
in Figure 8. If a higher gate capacitance MOSFET is
used, the size of the bypass capacitor must be
increased. The current need at BST is as follows:
= 1mA d + Q
where d is the buck controller duty cycle (98% max),
is the MOSFET total gate charge, and f is twice the
Royer oscillator frequency.
The maximum current through D2 (I
) is:
= I
/ (1 - d)
D5A and D5B are used to generate the current-sense
voltage across R13. The current through these diodes is
the lamp current; use a dual-series signal-level diode.
Bypassing and Board Layout
Connect C4 from VL to GND as close as possible with
dedicated traces that are not shared with other signal
paths. The ground lines should terminate at the GND
end of C4: quiet ground, power ground, and lamp cur-
rent-sense ground. Quiet ground is used for REF, CCV,
R5, and MINDAC (if a resistor-divider is used). The
power ground goes from the ground of C4 directly to
the ground side of C9. Power ground should also sup-
ply the return path for D1, N2, and the buck current-
sense resistor (from CS to GND, if used). The ground
path for R13 should be separate to ensure that it does
not corrupt quiet ground and it is not affected by DC
drops in the power ground. Refer to the MAX1739 EV
kit for an example of good layout.
Digital Interface (MAX1739)
With MODE connected to VL, the CRF/SDA and
CTL/SCL pins no longer behave as analog inputs;
instead, they function as SMBus-compatible 2-wire dig-
ital interfaces. CRF/SDA is the bidirectional data line,
and CTL/SCL is the clock line of the 2-wire interfaces
corresponding, respectively, to the SMBDATA and
SMBCLK lines of the SMBus. The MAX1739 uses the
write-byte, read-byte, and receive-byte protocols
(Figure 11). The SMBus protocols are documented in
System Management Bus Specification v1.08 and are
available at www.sbs-forum.org.
The MAX1739 is a slave-only device and responds to
the 7-bit address 0b0101101 (i.e., with the R
bit clear
indicating a write, this corresponds to 0x5A). The
MAX1739 has three functional registers: a 5-bit bright-
ness register (BRIGHT4
BRIGHT0), a 3-bit shutdown
mode register (SHMD2
SHMD0), and a 2-bit status
register (STATUS1
STATUS0). In addition, the device