High-Current, 25
Analog Switches
Detailed Description
The MAX4659/MAX4660 are single, single-pole/double-
throw (SPDT) CMOS analog switches. The CMOS
switch construction provides rail-to-rail signal handling
while consuming very little power. The switch is con-
trolled by a TTL/CMOS level compatible digital input.
The MAX4659/MAX4660 have a normally open switch
and a normally closed switch.
These devices can be operated with either single
power supplies or dual power supplies. Operation at up
to ±20V supplies allows users a wide switching dynam-
ic range. Additionally, asymmetrical operation is possi-
ble to tailor performance to a particular application.
These switches have been specifically designed to
handle high switch currents, up to 200mA peak current
and 150mA continuous currents. In order to do this, a
new technique is used to drive the body of the output
N-channel device. (Note: The basic switch between the
input, NC/NO terminal and the output common terminal
consists of an N-channel MOSFET and a P-channel
MOSFET in parallel.) The standard method limits opera-
tion to approximately a 600mV drop across the switch.
More than 600mV causes an increase in IdON leakage
current (due to the turn-on of on-chip parasitic diodes),
and an increase in V+ supply current. With this new
sensing method, there is no limitation to the voltage
drop across the switch. Current and voltage are limited
only by the power dissipation rating of the package and
the absolute maximum ratings of the switch.
When the analog input voltage drop is approximately
7mV there is an increase in power supply current from
90A to 2mA (typ) within a 1mV to 7mV range, caused
by the new sensing/driving circuitry.
Applications Information
Overvoltage Protection
Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for
all CMOS devices. Do not exceed the absolute maxi-
mum ratings, because stresses beyond the listed rat-
ings can cause permanent damage to the devices.
First, connect GND, followed by V+, V-, and the remain-
ing pins. If power-supply sequencing is not possible,
add two small-signal diodes (D1, D2) in series with
supply pins (Figure 1). Adding diodes reduces the ana-
log signal range to one diode drop below V+ and one
diode drop above V-, but does not affect the devices’
low switch resistance and low leakage characteristics.
Device operation is unchanged, and the difference
between V+ and V- should not exceed 44V. The protec-
tion diode for the negative supply is not required when
V- is connected to GND.
Off-Isolation at High Frequencies
In 50
systems, the high-frequency on-response of
these parts extends from DC to above 100MHz, with a
typical loss of -2dB. When the switch is turned off, how-
ever, it behaves like a capacitor and off-isolation
decreases with increasing frequency. This effect is
more pronounced with higher source and load imped-
ances. Above 5MHz, circuit board layout becomes criti-
cal. The graphs shown in the Typical Operating
Characteristics were taken using a 50
source and
load connected with BNC connectors.
Figure 1. Overvoltage Protection Using Blocking Diodes