nel. If the remote-diode channel is unused, connect
DXP to DXN rather than leaving the pins open.
The DXN input is biased to one V
above ground by
an internal diode to prepare the ADC inputs for a differ-
ential measurement. The worst-case DXP-DXN differen-
tial input voltage range is 0.25V to 0.95V. Excess
resistance in series with the remote diode causes
+0.5癈 (typ) error per ohm.
A/D Conversion Sequence
A conversion sequence consists of a local temperature
measurement and a remote temperature measurement.
Each time a conversion begins, whether initiated auto-
matically in the free-running autonomous mode (RUN = 0)
or by writing a one-shot command, both channels are
converted, and the results of both measurements are
available after the end of a conversion. A BUSY status bit
in the status byte indicates that the device is performing a
new conversion. The results of the previous conversion
are always available, even if the ADC is busy.
Low-Power Standby Mode
Standby mode reduces the supply current to less than
10礎 by disabling the ADC and timing circuitry. Enter
standby mode by setting the RUN bit to 1 in the configu-
ration byte register (Table 6). All data is retained in mem-
ory, and the SMBus interface is active and listening for
SMBus commands. Standby mode is not a shutdown
mode. With activity on the SMBus, the device draws more
supply current (see Typical Operating Characteristics). In
standby mode, the MAX6648/MAX6692 can be forced to
perform A/D conversions through the one-shot command,
regardless of the RUN bit status.
If a standby command is received while a conversion is
in progress, the conversion cycle is truncated, and the
data from that conversion is not latched into a tempera-
ture register. The previous data is not changed and
remains available.
Supply-current drain during the 125ms conversion peri-
od is 500礎 (typ). Slowing down the conversion rate
reduces the average supply current (see Typical
Operating Characteristics). Between conversions, the
conversion rate timer consumes about 25礎 of supply
current. In standby mode, supply current drops to
about 3礎.
SMBus Digital Interface
From a software perspective, the MAX6648/MAX6692
appear as a set of byte-wide registers that contain tem-
perature data, alarm threshold values, and control bits.
A standard SMBus-compatible 2-wire serial interface is
used to read temperature data and write control bits
and alarm threshold data. These devices respond to the
same SMBus slave address for access to all functions.
The MAX6648/MAX6692 employ four standard SMBus
protocols: write byte, read byte, send byte, and receive
byte (Figures 1, 2, and 3). The shorter receive byte proto-
col allows quicker transfers, provided that the correct
data register was previously selected by a read byte
instruction. Use caution when using the shorter protocols
in multimaster systems, as a second master could over-
write the command byte without informing the first master.
Temperature data can be read from the read internal
temperature (00h) and read external temperature (01h)
registers. The temperature data format for these regis-
ters is 7 bits plus 1 bit, indicating the diode fault status
for each channel, with the LSB representing 1癈 (Table
1). The MSB is transmitted first.
An additional 3 bits can be read from the read external
extended temperature register (10h), which extends the
data to 10 bits plus sign and the resolution to 0.125癈
per LSB (Table 2). An additional 3 bits can be read
from the read internal extended temperature register
(11h), which extends the data to 10 bits (plus 1 bit indi-
cating the diode fault status) and the resolution to
0.125癈 per LSB (Table 2).
When a conversion is complete, the main temperature
register and the extended temperature register are
updated simultaneously. Ensure that no conversions
are completed between reading the main register and
the extended register, so that both registers contain the
result of the same conversion.
To ensure valid extended data, read extended resolu-
tion temperature data using one of the following
1) Put the MAX6648/MAX6692 into standby mode by
setting bit 6 of the configuration register to 1. Initiate
a one-shot conversion using command byte 0Fh.
When this conversion is complete, read the contents
of the temperature data registers.
Precision SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local
Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms
6  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _______________
Table 2. Extended Resolution Temperature
Register Data Format (10h, 11h)