3.4 Interrupts
As the interrupt request flag bit of a peripheral function is not cleared automatically when an
interrupt request is received, the bit must be cleared by the program (normally, by writing "0"
to the interrupt request flag bit) at interrupt processing routine.
An interrupt wakes up the CPU from standby mode (low-power consumption). See Section
3.7 "Standby Modes (Low-power Consumption)" for details.
If the interrupt request flag bit is cleared at the top of the interrupt processing routine, the
peripheral function that has generated the interrupt becomes able to generate another
interrupt during execution of the interrupt processing routine (resetting the interrupt request
flag bit). However, the interrupts are not normally accepted until the current processing
routine completes.
The interrupt request flag bit (request FF) for a peripheral function is set to "1" when the
peripheral function generates an interrupt source. If the interrupt request enable bit for
the peripheral function is set to ìenable (enable FF = "1"), the peripheral function
outputs the interrupt request to the interrupt controller.
The interrupt controller continuously monitors for interrupt requests from the peripheral
functions and passes the interrupt level of the current interrupt request with the highest
interrupt level to the CPU. The interrupt controller also evaluates the priority order if
requests with the same level are present simultaneously.
If the interrupt level received by the CPU has a higher priority (a lower level value) than
the level set in the interrupt level bits in the condition code register (CCR: IL1, IL0), the
CPU checks the interrupt enable flag (CCR: I) and receives the interrupt if interrupts are
enabled (CCR: I = "1").
The CPU saves the contents of the program counter (PC) and program status (PS) on
the stack, reads the top address of the interrupt processing routine from the interrupt
vector table for the interrupt, updates the interrupt level bits in the condition code register
(CCR: IL1, IL0) with the received interrupt level, and starts execution of the interrupt
processing routine.
Finally, on execution of the RETI instruction, the CPU restores the program counter (PC)
and program status (PS) values saved on the stack and resumes execution from the
instruction following the last instruction executed before the interrupt.