MB90480/485 Series
Minimum instruction execution time: 40.0 ns/6.25 MHz base frequency multiplied
4 (25 MHz nternal operating
frequency/3.3 V
0.3 V)
62.5 ns/4 MHz base frequency multiplied
4 (16 MHz internal operating
frequency/3.0 V
0.3 V) PLL clock multiplier
Maximum memory space: 16 Mbyte
Instruction set optimized for controller applications
Supported data types (bit, byte, word, or long word)
Typical addressing modes (23 types)
Enhanced signed multiplication/division instruction and RETI instruction functions
32-bit accumulator for enhanced high-precision calculation
Instruction set designed for high-level language (C) and multi-task operations
System stack pointer adopted
Instruction set compatibility and barrel shift instructions
Non-multiplex bus/multiplex bus compatible
Enhanced execution speed
4 byte instruction queue
Enhanced interrupt functions
8 levels setting with programmable priority, 8 external interrupts
Data transmission function (
Up to 16 channels
Embedded ROM
Flash versions : 192 KB, 256 KB, MASK versions : 192 KB
Embedded RAM
Flash versions : 4 KB, 6 KB, 10 KB, MASK versions : 10 KB
General purpose ports
Up to 84 ports
(Except MB90V480 : Includes 16 ports with input pull-up resistance, 16 ports with output open drain settings)
A/D converter
8-channel RC sequential comparison type (10-bit resolution, 3.68
s conversion time (at 25 MHz) )
C interface (MB90485 series only) : 1channel, P76/P77 Nch OD pin (without Pch)
Do not apply high voltage in excess of recommended operating ranges
to the Nch open drain pin (with Pch) in MB90V485.
PG (MB90485 series only) : 1 channel
UART: 1 channel
I/O expanded serial interface (SIO) : 2 channels
8/16-bit PPG: 3 channels (with 8-bit
6 channel/16-bit
3 channel mode switching function)
8/16-bit up/down timer: 1 channel (with 8-bit
2 channel/16-bit
1-channel mode switching function)
PWC (MB90485 series only) : 3 channels (Capable of compare the inputs to two of the three)
3 V/5 V I/F pin (MB90485 series only)
P20 to P27, P30 to P37, P40 to P47, P70 to P77
16-bit reload timer: 1 channel
16-bit I/O timer: 2-channel input capture, 6-channel output compare, 1-channel free run timer
On chip dual clock generator system
Low-power consumption mode
With stop mode, sleep mode, CPU intermittent operation mode, watch mode, timebase timer mode
Packages: QFP 100/LQFP 100
Process: CMOS technology
Power supply voltage: 3 V, single source (some ports can be operated by 5 V power supply at MB90485 series)