MB90M405 Series
11. FL-control Circuit
The FL control circuit has a fluorescent tube automated display function and an LED automated display function.
The fluorescent tube automated display function is capable of up to 32 digits, and 60 combined segment and
digit automated display. The LED automated display function can output LED1 pin to LED16 pin at 1/2 duty, with
LED0 pin as common output.
High voltage resistance output pins
There are 60 onboard high voltage resistance output pins (FIP0 pin to FIP59 pin) .
There are 34 high-current output pins (FIP0 pin to FIP33 pin) and 26 mid-current output pins (FIP34 pin to
FIP59 pin) .
Pull-down resistance can be set for all high voltage-resistance output. Alternately, they can be combined.
Fluorescent tube automated display function
Has 32
60-bit display data RAM.
The display timing can be set to between 1 and 32.
60 bits can be set for both digits and segments for each timing.
The digit pins are FIP0 pin to FIP31 pin; from the pin set for digit start, the digits can be set in series for the
number of pins set in the digit number register.
Segments can control up to 59 outputs.
There are 4 types of display scan cycle (segment width) .
Digit dimmer control controls the T on both sides of the digit for segment output. Adjustment is available in 7
steps (dimmer applied to all digits) .
All digit and segment can be inverted.
Segment output of an arbitrary timing is capable of gradated display (segment dimmer) . The T of both sides
of the segment are as follows :
Digit Dimmer Control
Segment Dimmer Control
Digit output
Segment output
Digit output
Segment output
Note : Dimmer can be applied to a defined segment in the setup timing.