MB90390 Series
Part Number
Watch Timer
Directly operates with the oscillation clock
Read/Write accessible Second/Minute/Hour registers
Signals interrupts
I/O Timer
(2 channels)
Signals an interrupt when overflowing
Supports Timer Clear when a match with Output Compare (Channel 0)
Operation clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24, fsys/25, fsys/26, fsys/27
= System clock freq.)
I/O Timer 0 (clock input FRCK0) corresponds to ICU 0/1, OCU 0/1/2/3
I/O Timer 1 (clock input FRCK1) corresponds to ICU 2/3/4/5, OCU 4/5/6/7
Output Compare
(8 channels)
Signals an interrupt when a match with 16-bit I/O Timer
Eight 16-bit compare registers.
A pair of compare registers can be used to generate an output signal.
OCU 6/7 outputs are shared with ICU 3/5 inputs
Input Capture
(6 channels)
Rising edge, falling edge or rising & falling edge sensitive
Six 16-bit Capture registers
Signals an interrupt upon external event
ICU 3/5 inputs are shared with OCU 6/7 outputs
Programmable Pulse
(6 channels)
Supports 8-bit and 16-bit operation modes
Twelve 8-bit reload counters
Twelve 8-bit reload registers for L pulse width
Twelve 8-bit reload registers for H pulse width
A pair of 8-bit reload counters can be configured as one 16-bit reload counter or as
8-bit prescaler plus 8-bit reload counter
Operation clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24 or 102.4
s at fosc = 5 MHz
= System clock frequency, fosc = Oscillation clock frequency)
CAN Interface
(up to 5 channels)
2 channels
5 channels
Conforms to CAN Specification Version 2.0 Part A and B
Automatic re-transmission in case of error
Automatic transmission responding to Remote Frame
Prioritized 16 message buffers for data and ID’s
Supports multiple messages
Flexible configuration of acceptance filtering :
Full-bit compare/Full-bit mask/Two partial bit masks
Supports up to 1 Mbps
MB90F394H, MB90F395H, MB90V390H, MB90V390HA :
Do not use CAN message buffer RAM and clock modulator at the same time.
Stepping Motor
(6 channels)
Four high current outputs with controlled slew rate for each channel
Synchronized two 8-bit PWM’s for each channel
External Interrupt
(8 channels)
Can be programmed edge sensitive or level sensitive
Sound Generator
8-bit PWM signal is mixed with tone frequency from 8-bit reload counter
PWM frequency : 62.5 kHz, 31.2 kHz, 15.6 kHz, 7.8 kHz at System clock
= 16 MHz
Tone frequency : PWM frequency/2/ (reload value
+ 1)