MB90460 Series
Multi-Pulse Generator
The Multi-pulse Generator consists of a 16-bit PPG timer, a 16-bit reload timer and a waveform sequencer. By
using the waveform sequencer, 16-bit PPG timer output signal can be directed to Multi-pulse Generator output
(OPT5 to 0) according to the input signal of Multi-pulse Generator (SNI2 to 0) . Meanwhile, the OPT5 to 0 output
signal can be hardware terminated by DTTI input (DTTI1) in case of emergency. The OPT5 to 0 output signals
are synchronized with the PPG signal in order to eliminate the unwanted glitch.
The Multi-pulse generator has the following features :
Output Signal Control
- 12 output data buffer registers are provided
- Output data register can be updated by any one of output data buffer registers when :
1. an effective edge detected at SNI2 - SNI0 pin
2. 16-bit reload timer underflow
3. output data buffer register OPDBR0 is written
Output data register (OPDR) determines which OPT terminals (OPT5 - 0) output the 16-bit PPG waveform
- Waveform sequencer is provided with a 16-bit timer to measure the speed of motor
- The 16-bit timer can be used to disable the OPT output when the position detection is missing
Input Position Detect Control
- SNI2 - SNI0 input can be used to detect the rotor position
- A controllable noise filter is provided to the SNI2 - SNI0 input
PPG Synchronization for Output signal
- OPT output is able to synchronize the edge of PPG waveform to avoid a short pulse (or glitch) appearance
Vaious interrupt generation causes
OS supported