MB96390 Series
FME-MB96390 rev 3
RC Run 100k
RC Run mode current ICCRCL with the following settings:
RC oscillator set to 100kHz (CKFCR:RCFS = 0)
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = fCLKB = fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 100kHz
Regulator in Low Power Mode A (SMCR:LPMS = 1)
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:LPMA[2:0] = 110B)
1 Flash/ROM wait states (MTCRA=0239H)
PLL, Main oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
Sub Run
Sub Run mode current ICCSUB with the following settings:
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = fCLKB = fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 32kHz
Regulator in Low Power Mode A (by hardware)
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:LPMA[2:0] = 110B)
1 Flash/ROM wait states (MTCRA=0239H)
PLL, RC oscillator and Main oscillator stopped
PLL Sleep 40
PLL Sleep mode current ICCSPLL with the following settings:
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = 80MHz
fCLKP1 = 40MHz
fCLKP2 = 20MHz
Regulator in High Power Mode
Core voltage at 1.9V (VRCR:HPM[1:0] = 11B)
RC oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
PLL Sleep 24
PLL Sleep mode current ICCSPLL with the following settings:
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = 48MHz
fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 24MHz
Regulator in High Power Mode
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:HPM[1:0] = 10B)
RC oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
Main Sleep
Main Sleep mode current ICCSMAIN with the following settings:
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 4MHz
Regulator in High Power Mode
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:HPM[1:0] = 10B)
PLL, RC oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
RC Sleep 2M
RC Sleep mode current ICCSRCH with the following settings:
RC oscillator set to 2MHz (CKFCR:RCFS = 1)
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 2MHz
Regulator in High Power Mode
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:HPM[1:0] = 10B)
PLL, Main oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
RC Sleep 100k
RC Sleep mode current ICCSRCL with the following settings:
RC oscillator set to 100kHz (CKFCR:RCFS = 0)
fCLKS1 = fCLKS2 = fCLKP1 = fCLKP2 = 100kHz
Regulator in Low Power Mode A (SMCR:LPMSS = 1)
Core voltage at 1.8V (VRCR:LPMA[2:0] = 110B)
PLL, Main oscillator and Sub oscillator stopped
Mode name