MB9B510T Series
Any semiconductor devices have inherently a certain rate of failure. The possibility of failure is greatly
affected by the conditions in which they are used (circuit conditions, environmental conditions, etc.). This
page describes precautions that must be observed to minimize the chance of failure and to obtain higher
reliability from your FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR semiconductor devices.
1. Precautions for Product Design
This section describes precautions when designing electronic equipment using semiconductor devices.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Semiconductor devices can be permanently damaged by application of stress (voltage, current, temperature,
etc.) in excess of certain established limits, called absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed these ratings.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Recommended operating conditions are normal operating ranges for the semiconductor device. All the
device's electrical characteristics are warranted when operated within these ranges.
Always use semiconductor devices within the recommended operating conditions. Operation outside these
ranges may adversely affect reliability and could result in device failure.
No warranty is made with respect to uses, operating conditions, or combinations not represented on the data
sheet. Users considering application outside the listed conditions are advised to contact their sales
representative beforehand.
Processing and Protection of Pins
These precautions must be followed when handling the pins which connect semiconductor devices to power
supply and input/output functions.
(1) Preventing Over-Voltage and Over-Current Conditions
Exposure to voltage or current levels in excess of maximum ratings at any pin is likely to cause
deterioration within the device, and in extreme cases leads to permanent damage of the device. Try to
prevent such overvoltage or over-current conditions at the design stage.
(2) Protection of Output Pins
Shorting of output pins to supply pins or other output pins, or connection to large capacitance can
cause large current flows. Such conditions if present for extended periods of time can damage the
Therefore, avoid this type of connection.
(3) Handling of Unused Input Pins
Unconnected input pins with very high impedance levels can adversely affect stability of operation.
Such pins should be connected through an appropriate resistance to a power supply pin or ground pin.
Semiconductor devices are constructed by the formation of P-type and N-type areas on a substrate. When
subjected to abnormally high voltages, internal parasitic PNPN junctions (called thyristor structures) may
be formed, causing large current levels in excess of several hundred mA to flow continuously at the power
supply pin. This condition is called latch-up.
CAUTION: The occurrence of latch-up not only causes loss of reliability in the semiconductor device, but
can cause injury or damage from high heat, smoke or flame. To prevent this from happening, do the
(1) Be sure that voltages applied to pins do not exceed the absolute maximum ratings. This should
include attention to abnormal noise, surge levels, etc.
(2) Be sure that abnormal current flows do not occur during the power-on sequence.
Code: DS00-00004-1Ea