IEEE 1149.1 Test (JTAG) and Debug Pipe Control Modes
inserting the commands to guarantee that there is sufficient time between commands to
allow for proper operation.
Commands $0D three-states all outputs and causes all inputs to be ignored. Command $0E
allows outputs to be driven and inputs to be sampled.
Commands $10–$17 force specific processor features to be disabled. Command $0F
negates the effects of all the commands between $10 and $17. These commands override
the configuration as defined by the CACR, PCR, or TCR. Note that these instructions affect-
ing processor configuration do not affect the operation of the MOVEC instructions which
affect the CACR, PCR, or TCR. The MOVEC instruction to these registers operates nor-
mally, but the enabling of a specific feature is overridden if the corresponding debug function
has been executed. Any MOVEC reading contents of the CACR, PCR, or TCR will return
the value contained in the register and is independent of any debug commands which may
have been executed.
Commands $18–$1B configure whether or not the trace and breakpoint exceptions force a
processor entry into emulator mode.
Commands $1C–$1F generate an emulator interrupt exception.
9.2.3 Emulator Mode
The MC68060 implements a mode of operation that provides an outside control function
(i.e., emulator) controllability and visibility mechanisms to direct MC68060 processor oper-
When the processor is in the emulator mode, the branch cache is not used. Instructions exe-
cuted when the MC68060 is in emulator mode generate address space and bus transfer
cycle attributes as an alternate logical function code space access with no address transla-
No address translation
No cache access
TT1, TT0 = 2 {Alternate Logical Function Code Access}
TM2–TT0 = 5 (operand references) or 6 (instruction references) {Logical Function Code
5 or 6}.
Entry into emulator mode can be accomplished via one of four methods:
1. A “generate emulator interrupt” command can be initiated through the debug pipe con-
trol mode. If this command is received by the MC68060, the processor waits for an
interruptible point in the instruction stream, and then generates an emulator interrupt
exception. A four-word exception stack frame (in alternate address space) is created,
with the PC value equal to the next PC and the exception type/vector offset equal to
$30. The vector pointed to by VBR + $30 defines the exception handler entry point,
within the alternate address space (TT = 2, TM = 6).