Rev. 4
interrupt which is not latched); therefore, only one external interrupt pulse can be
latched during tILIL and serviced as soon as the I-bit is cleared.
Timer interrupts
There are ve different timer interrupt ags (ICF1, ICF2, OCF1, OCF2 and TOF) that will cause a
timer interrupt whenever they are set and enabled. These ve interrupt ags are found in the ve
most signicant bits of the timer status register (TSR) at location $0013. ICF1 and ICF2 will vector
to the service routine dened by $1FF8-$1FF9, OCF1 and OCF2 will vector to the service routine
dened by $1FF6–$1FF7 and TOF will vector to the service routine dened by $1FF4–$1FF5 as
There are three corresponding enable bits; ICIE for ICF1 and ICF2, OCIE for OCF1 and OCF2,
and TOIE for TOF. These enable bits are located in the timer control register (TCR) at address
Serial communications interface (SCI) interrupts
There are ve different interrupt ags (TDRE, TC, OR, RDRF and IDLE) that cause SCI interrupts
whenever they are set and enabled. These ve interrupt ags are found in the ve most signicant
bits of the SCI status register (SCSR) at location $0010.
There are four corresponding enable bits: TIE for TDRE, TCIE for TC, RIE for OR and RDRF, and
ILIE for IDLE. These enable bits are located in the serial communications control register 2
The SCI interrupt causes the program counter to vector to the address pointed to by memory
locations $1FF2 and $1FF3 which contain the starting address of the interrupt service routine.
Software in the SCI interrupt service routine must determine the priority and cause of the interrupt
by examining the interrupt ags and the status bits located in the serial communications status
register SCSR (address $0010).
The general sequence for clearing an interrupt is a software sequence of accessing the serial
communications status register while the ag is set followed by a read or write of an associated
register. Refer to
Section 6 for a description of the SCI system and its interrupts.
05B6Book Page 10 Tuesday, April 6, 1999 8:24 am