Low-Power Modes
MC68HC08GZ32 Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
10.15 Exiting Wait Mode
These events restart the CPU clock and load the program counter with the reset vector or with an interrupt
External reset — A logic 0 on the RST pin resets the MCU and loads the program counter with the
contents of locations $FFFE and $FFFF.
External interrupt — A high-to-low transition on an external interrupt pin (IRQ pin) loads the
program counter with the contents of locations: $FFFA and $FFFB; IRQ pin.
Break interrupt — In emulation mode, a break interrupt loads the program counter with the contents
of $FFFC and $FFFD.
Computer operating properly (COP) module reset — A timeout of the COP counter resets the MCU
and loads the program counter with the contents of $FFFE and $FFFF.
Low-voltage inhibit (LVI) module reset — A power supply voltage below the VTRIPF voltage resets
the MCU and loads the program counter with the contents of locations $FFFE and $FFFF.
Clock generator module (CGM) interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the CGM loads the
program counter with the contents of $FFF8 and $FFF9.
Keyboard interrupt (KBI) module — A CPU interrupt request from the KBI module loads the
program counter with the contents of $FFE0 and $FFE1.
Timer 1 interface (TIM1) module interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the TIM1 loads the
program counter with the contents of:
$FFF2 and $FFF3; TIM1 overflow
$FFF4 and $FFF5; TIM1 channel 1
$FFF6 and $FFF7; TIM1 channel 0
Timer 2 interface module (TIM2) interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the TIM2 loads the
program counter with the contents of:
$FFEC and $FFED; TIM2 overflow
$FFEE and $FFEF; TIM2 channel 1
$FFF0 and $FFF1; TIM2 channel 0
$FFCC and $FFCD; TIM2 channel 5
$FFCE and $FFCF; TIM2 channel 4
$FFD0 and $FFD1; TIM2 channel 3
$FFD2 and $FFD3; TIM2 channel 2
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) module interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the SPI loads
the program counter with the contents of:
$FFE8 and $FFE9; SPI transmitter
$FFEA and $FFEB; SPI receiver
Serial communications interface (SCI) module interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the SCI
loads the program counter with the contents of:
$FFE2 and $FFE3; SCI transmitter
$FFE4 and $FFE5; SCI receiver
$FFE6 and $FFE7; SCI receiver error
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the ADC loads
the program counter with the contents of: $FFDE and $FFDF; ADC conversion complete.
Timebase module (TBM) interrupt — A CPU interrupt request from the TBM loads the program
counter with the contents of: $FFDC and $FFDD; TBM interrupt.