Resets and Interrupts
Data Sheet
M68HC11E Family — Rev. 5
Resets and Interrupts
5.5.1 Interrupt Recognition and Register Stacking
An interrupt can be recognized at any time after it is enabled by its local mask, if
any, and by the global mask bit in the CCR. Once an interrupt source is recognized,
the CPU responds at the completion of the instruction being executed. Interrupt
latency varies according to the number of cycles required to complete the current
instruction. When the CPU begins to service an interrupt, the contents of the CPU
registers are pushed onto the stack in the order shown in Table 5-5. After the CCR
value is stacked, the I bit and the X bit, if XIRQ is pending, are set to inhibit further
interrupts. The interrupt vector for the highest priority pending source is fetched
and execution continues at the address specified by the vector. At the end of the
interrupt service routine, the return-from-interrupt instruction is executed and the
saved registers are pulled from the stack in reverse order so that normal program
5.5.2 Non-Maskable Interrupt Request (XIRQ)
Non-maskable interrupts are useful because they can always interrupt CPU
operations. The most common use for such an interrupt is for serious system
problems, such as program runaway or power failure. The XIRQ input is an
updated version of the NMI (non-maskable interrupt) input of earlier MCUs.
Upon reset, both the X bit and I bit of the CCR are set to inhibit all maskable
interrupts and XIRQ. After minimum system initialization, software can clear the X
bit by a TAP instruction, enabling XIRQ interrupts. Thereafter, software cannot set
the X bit. Thus, an XIRQ interrupt is a non-maskable interrupt. Because the
operation of the I-bit-related interrupt structure has no effect on the X bit, the
internal XIRQ pin remains unmasked. In the interrupt priority logic, the XIRQ
interrupt has a higher priority than any source that is maskable by the I bit. All
I-bit-related interrupts operate normally with their own priority relationship.
When an I-bit-related interrupt occurs, the I bit is automatically set by hardware
after stacking the CCR byte. The X bit is not affected. When an X-bit-related
interrupt occurs, both the X and I bits are automatically set by hardware after
Table 5-5. Stacking Order on Entry to Interrupts
Memory Location
CPU Registers