13. Reduced Power Stage Controller – (PSCR)
The Reduced Power Stage Controller is a high performance waveform controller.
PWM waveform generation function (two complementary programmable outputs)
Dead time control
Standard mode up to 12-bit resolution
Enhanced resolution up to 16 bits
Frequency up to 64Mhz
Conditional waveform on external events (zero crossing, current sensing ...)
ADC synchronization
Overload protection function
Abnormality protection function, emergency input to force all outputs to high impedance or in
inactive state (fuse configurable)
Fast emergency stop by hardware
Many register and bit references in this section are written in general form.
A lower case “r” (or “n” replaces the PSC number, in this case 0. However, when using the
register or bit defines in a program, the precise form must be used, that is, PSOC0 for
accessing PSCR 0 Synchro and Output Configuration register and so on
A lower case “x” replaces the PSCR part , in this case A or B. However, when using the
register or bit defines in a program, the precise form must be used, that is, PFRC0A for
accessing PSCR 0 Fault/Retrigger A Control register and so on
The purpose of a Power Stage Controller (PSC) is to control power modules on a board. It has
two outputs.
These outputs can be used in various ways:
“Two Outputs” to drive a half bridge (for example, Lighting applications)
“One Output” to drive single power transistor (for example, DC/DC converter, PFC
The PSCR has two inputs the purpose of which is to provide means to act directly on the gener-
ated waveforms:
Current sensing regulation
Zero crossing retriggering
Demagnetization retriggering
Fault input