8-bit Microcontrollers
Target Applications
> Various applications including:
Climate control
Wiper control
Window lift
Control systems
Home and industrial
security systems
Motion control
Internal Clock Oscillator
> 1 MHz, 2 MHz and 3.2 MHz nominal
bus frequency
> Fully trimmable internal oscillator
> Less than 0.4 percent oscillator accuracy
within a LIN frame
> Eliminates the cost of all external
clock components
> Helps to reduce board space
> Eliminates or reduces EMI generated from
external clocks
> Allows option of external RC and
external crystal
Enhanced SCI—LIN SCI Controller
> Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit
character length
> Programmable baud rates
> Separately enabled transmitter and receiver
> Interrupt-driven operation with eight
interrupt flags
> Capable of communication rates up
to 115 kbps, encompassing all
LIN baud rates
> Full-duplex operation allows simultaneous
transmission and reception of data
> ESCI arbiter allows measurement of LIN
synchronization data without separate
timer hardware
> Finely adjustable baud rate prescalers allow
extremely precise control of baud rate
> Enhanced detection of LIN break symbols
to prevent false interrupts
Periodic Wake-Up Module
> Selectable timeout periods (40 s to
three minutes)
> Exit from low-power STOP mode without
external signals
> Dedicated low-power 32 kHz internal
oscillator separate from the main system
clock sources
> Accessible in all modes of operation (RUN,
> Full-duplex operation allows simultaneous
transmission and reception of data
> ESCI arbiter allows measurement of LIN
synchronization data without separate
timer hardware
> Finely adjustable baud rate prescalers allow
extremely precise control of baud rate
> Enhanced detection of LIN break
symbols to prevent false interrupts
High-Performance CPU
> Efficient instruction set, including multiply
and divide
> 16 flexible addressing modes, including
stack relative with 16-bit stack pointer
> Fully static, low-voltage, low-power design
with WAIT and STOP modes
> Object code compatible with 68HC05
> Easy to learn and use architecture
> C-optimized architecture provides
compact code
Second-Generation Flash or Cost-Effective ROM Memory Options
Cost-Effective LIN Family
> Embedded, fully automotive Flash
> Range of memory from 8 KB to 16 KB
> 10K write/erase cycles at -40°C to +125°C
> Ultrafast programming: 64 bytes in 2 ms
> Flash block protection
> Flash reprogrammable in circuit
> Qualified for high temperatures, shock,
vibrations and humidity as required by
the automotive industry
> Cost-reduction path for high-volume
stable programs
> Reduced production programming costs
through ultrafast programming at
operating voltage
> Helps protect code from unauthorized
reading and to guard against unintentional
writing/erasing of user-programmable
segments of code
> Allows real-time Flash updates
Internal Clock Oscillator
1 x 4-ch., 16-bit Timer
1 x 2-ch., 16-bit Timer
8 KB/16 KB
Up to 512 KB RAM
Up to 10-ch., 10-bit ADC
Periodic Wake-Up Module
Up to 24 GPIO
Computer Operating Properly
Freescale Semiconductor’s MC908QC family of
microcontrollers (MCUs) is positioned to support
HC08 core small-package 8-bit microcontrollers and
the low-end LIN market. QC devices are low voltage
with on-chip in-circuit Flash memory programmable
down to 1.8 volts. The functionality is completed with
strong analog capabilities, a complete set of serial
modules and robust memory options. These
products are fully LIN 2.0 and J2602 compliant.
They are intended to be used as LIN slaves where
the application requires cost-effective hardware
solutions. A variety of small packages (16-, 20-
and 28-pin), together with the optimized peripheral
sets and the powerful HC08 CPU, make this an ideal
low-end controller.