General Description
MC68HC908QL4 MC68HC908QL3 MC68HC908QL2 Data Sheet, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
On-chip random-access memory (RAM)
Slave LIN interface controller (SLIC) module
Full LIN messaging buffering of Identifier and 8 data bytes
Automatic baud rate and LIN message frame synchronization:
No prior programming of bit rate required, 1–20 kbps LIN bus speed operation
All LIN messages will be received (no message loss due to synchronization process)
Input clock tolerance as high as ±50%, allowing internal oscillator to remain untrimmed
Incoming break symbols allowed to be 10 to 20 bit times without message loss
Supports automatic software trimming of internal oscillator using LIN synchronization data
Automatic processing and verification of LIN SYNCH BREAK and SYNCH BYTE
Automatic checksum calculation and verification with error reporting
Maximum of 2 interrupts per LIN message frame
Full LIN error checking and reporting
High-speed LIN capability up to 83.33 kbps to 120.00 kbps
Switchable UART-like byte transfer mode for processing bytes one at a time without LIN
message framing constraints
Configurable digital receive filter
2-channel, 16-bit timer interface module (TIM) with external clock source input
6-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with internal bandgap reference channel
6-bit keyboard interrupt with wakeup feature (KBI)
Programmable for rising/falling or high/low level detect
Software selectable to use internal or external pullup/pulldown device
External asynchronous interrupt pin with internal pullup (IRQ)
Master asynchronous reset pin with internal pullup (RST)
13 bidirectional input/output (I/O) lines and one input only:
Six shared with keyboard interrupt function
Six shared with ADC10
Two shared with TIM
Two shared with SLIC
One shared with reset
One input only shared with external interrupt (IRQ)
High current sink/source capability
Selectable pullups on all ports (pullup/down on port A), selectable on an individual bit basis
Three-state ability on all port pins
Low-voltage inhibit (LVI) module features:
Software selectable trip point in CONFIG register
System protection features:
Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog
Low-voltage detection with reset
Illegal opcode detection with reset
Illegal address detection with reset